Event Details

Event ID
Duke Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
Steel Cross
Requested by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Primary reason

While the last couple of months have been a little quieter as real life has kept him busy, Kojiro has not been out for the count. In the last few months he has continued to serve as a Magistrate to the Fist (for almost 3 months) and has organized three competitions in the position. Though I am sure Drac can and will more aptly speak to Kojiro's work in that office I could bear witness.

Most recently Koji stepped up to complete 9/25 of the four-way Pro Bowl V, and earned a 4th place Cresent in the third week Infiltrator. This means he brought back 54 points for the Frog Dogs and moreover has brought a smile to his Consul's lips with his efforts over the last three months.

I feel, all things considered, Kojiro has handedly and earned this Steel Cross.

--Bentre Sadow, Consul

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2021-10-28 21:02:18 UTC
Additional reasons

Since his last recognition, Koji has continued to be a powerhouse member of the the Fist staff.

Over the past three months alone, Koji has approved over 133 gaming submissions providing clusters of earth and fire to 44 DB members.

In addition to that, Koji continues to provide content for the members of the club through the GMRG competitions program. Since his last recognition he has run three competitions and helped to manage three months of container competitions.

It truly is the intangible activities that make Koji such a valued member of this staff. Koji was part of the team that assisted with the transition to a new Fist as well as helped plan the implementation of Casual Gaming, which is slowly becoming the preferred gaming option for the club members.

This award is only a small token of appreciation for his efforts. Congrats, Koji--thank you for all you have done and continue to do for the Fist office!

Master Dracaryis, 2021-10-28 16:32:13 UTC

Warlord Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow is one of those dudes that just grinds away whatever is in front of him.  He consistently produces content that is both challenging and fun.  Whether he is creating a comp or competing in a comp, you can guarantee the Warlord will be a heavy hitter.  He is a valuable member of both CNS and as a member over at the Office of the FIST.  His knowledge and expertise are continually sought after and respected.    I 100% recommend Warlord Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow for this prestigious award.  Thank you Sir and congratulations!

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2021-10-28 20:58:28 UTC