Event Details

Event ID
Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej
Old Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
New Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Everyone's favourite maniac with a smile, Jorm is one of those members that has seemingly slipped under the radar. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to this. Jorm is one of those members that encompasses the very idea if fun within the Brotherhood, and that's not just in Taldryan (though he has been an outstanding member in his time here too.) But in Clan Scholae Palatinae, where he spent over a year on their House summit. (More on that below)

So let's start crunching the numbers, shall we? 10,550 words of fiction written (That's not even including the recent Tal RP), 103 competitions participated in, and 25 competitions organised. In terms of awards, he has earned the following since his last promotion in 2018;

Grand Cross - 1 Bronze Nova - 1 Crescent with Ruby Star- 2 Crescent with Amethyst Star- 6 Crescent with Sapphire Star - 10 Crescent with Emerald Star - 8 Crescent with Topaz Star - 3

Now, the promotion guidelines state that for EQ4, a member must have completed roughly 6 months of CON level leadership or equivalent. Jorm completed 3 months as a Battleteam Leader, 6 months as an Aedile, and then one full calendar year as a Quaestor where he undertook projects such as aiding his Consul at the time (Elincia/Zentru’la) with military possession admin, and wiki work which can be seen here. When a new Consul was appointed during his time as Quaestor, he helped get them become familiar with the running of the Clan itself, along with running competitions for his House. On top of this, Jorm helped create the future Clan Storylines. One of which was the CSP: Iron Sky event. and also the CSP: Into the Fire event, where he helped co-author the Event background. as well as came up for the idea and co-hosted the events Run-On.

Outside of all the fancy numbers, Jorm is just one of those members that any Clan would be glad to have in its roster. He's active engaging, humorous, willing to help with anything the Clan has going on. Case in point, the recent Taldryan event where he was a key player in the storyline and its events. Speaking of that event, Jorm is part of the reason that the event was structured the way it is. He suggested the idea for quick, easy competitions over multiple, short weeks as a platform for experimentation.

I could keep singing Jorm's praises until the next day comes, but even then i don't think it would do him any kind of justice. So instead, I'll summise by saying that Taldryan is lucky to have him amongst its roster. Its been a delight getting to know him over the past few months, and I am more than happy to recommend his promotion to EQ4. Congratulations, Jorm! You earned it!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2021-11-27 18:29:58 UTC