Event Details

Event ID
Fist Uji Tameike
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Primary reason

What can be said about Ira that others don’t already know? Since coming to us in February of this year, Ira has been both a powerhouse of activity and leadership. Let’s begin first by highlighting his leadership contributions. He was Aedile of House Sunrider for a span of 4 months. During that time he helped promote Clan and House activities, ran 3 weekly Community Events while also participating in 5, and during this time contributed to something that would change the course of the Clan forever.

Ira was actively engaged in our restructuring. He contributed greatly to drafting the proposal, drawing heavily from currently established lore to create the basis of our Houses and their fictional roles. Once our Houses had been completed, we took charge of the Consular Conclave for a span of 3 months, all to get his new House off the ground. He created the Consular Conclave wiki page, ran a series of competitions that allowed the members to build onto the lore and influence the future of the Conclave. Starting a new House is never easy, but starting one during an entire restructuring is a lot to ask of someone but I could not think of anyone better than Ira to man the helm.

Now onto his activities since his last award. He has participated in 73 competitions earning himself 1 Crescent with Ruby Star, 7 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 6 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 6 Crescents with Emerald Stars, and 1 Crescent with Quartz Star. For his gaming activities, he has earned 13 CLuster of Fire and 129 Clusters of Earth. He has written 804 words of fiction earning 3 Clusters of Ice, not including the 1060 words that he had put into the Consular Conclave page. Graphically, he’s earned 12 Custers of Graphite. He’s organized 7 competitions, published 3 reports all on time and during the last RoS where he heavily encouraged members to participate, he himself earned 13 Seals of Enmity.

Thank you Ira for helping make the Clan restructure possible and for your contributions to the Clan as an active and respectable member. Can’t wait to work with you on the Summit again. Congratulations on this well-earned Sapphire Blade!

Revak Kur
Consul, Odan-Urr

Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2021-12-22 22:57:50 UTC
Additional reasons

When I returned to Odan-Urr it was Ira who helped not only get me up to speed but also became my co-conspirator on how we could work to improve the clan. Whether he was officially on summit or not his wisdom, drive and laser focus on the member experience proved invaluable in the development of many of the aspects of the clan as it exists today, most notably the two-house structure. To say he is missed on the current summit would be an understatement but he made sure to set up his successors for a bright future.

I have little doubt we will see him on the summit again once he is well-rested and the entire club will be better for it. In the meantime please accept this small token of the community's gratitude for all your contributions and advocacy, both official and unofficial.

Turel Sorenn
Proconsul, Odan-Urr

Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2021-12-17 23:47:58 UTC