Event Details

Event ID
Old Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
New Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
Requested by
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Primary reason

As had been stated in many prior award recommendations, Raziel is a great member and a good friend to not only Odan-Urr but to many of the other Clans in this Club. Lines such as…

  • “spent a lot of time… increasing activity, recruiting and mentoring…”

  • “I’ve been impressed by your energy, enthusiasm, and can-do attitude.”

  • “His enthusiasm bleeds through the mic when talking to him on Discord and his consistent posts on Telegram always keep the conversation flowing.”

  • “...a fixture in our community.”

…have been used to describe him numerous times, and as we see day in and day out, Raziel’s commitment to making this Club be the community that it is ensuring that not only he remains active but so do those whose lives he brightens. His community involvement extends far beyond being chatty on Discord or Telegram or hyping our Clan activities but he has donated many hours pushing for the success of our weekly Community Events. Raziel has not only attended 34 events since we began the last year but has hosted 2 of them himself. To give you an idea of what that means, Raziel has been a part of about 25% of our Community Events over nearly 2 years! For anyone who wants to push an activity, having a member attend so many and offer to host them not only means a lot but shows how successful they can be.

Raziel, being the community-oriented gentleman he is, has some leadership under his belt. Recently he has served us as Aedile for a span of 6 months. During that time, he aided in the success of House Sunrider and continued to push for a lot of the Community Events that I’ve highlighted above. Elsewhere in the Club, Raziel has spent a total of 14 months at Quaestor, 3 months as Battleteam Leader, 8 months as Magistrate to the Voice, and 5 months as Praetor to the Voice.

A while ago now, I got in touch with him about creating a surface map of Kiast to be able to better explain where locations mentioned in fiction are in relation to everything else. This certainly was no small feat. In order to properly place the markers, Raziel had to spend hours skimming through Clan fictions, wiki pages and asking around to make sure that everything was correct and that he didn’t miss anything important. Once he had all the locations in order, using a digital map creator, he designed the terrain and meticulously began placing each spot on the map. The final result was a canonical representation of the overhead view of Kiast, which can be found here. Because of Raziel’s efforts, members can easily find the many locations we reference in our fictions.

With all that said, Raziel’s activity speaks for itself. Since his last promotion back in 2014, he has earned 1 Grand Cross, 3 Steel Crosses, and 1 Dark Cross. He’s organized 7 competitions and participated in 121 competitions, earning himself 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 8 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 9 Crescents with Amethyst Stars, 19 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 8 Crescents with Emerald Stars, and 4 Crescents with Topaz Stars. For his gaming activities, he's earned 2 Pendants of Blood and 51 Clusters of Earth for 15 PvE Activities. He has 16 Fiction Activities, 1 ACC Match, and 33,965 words earning 72 Clusters of Ice. Graphics-wise he has earned 39 Clusters of Graphite. A force in the Shadow Academy, he passed 45 courses and earned 10 degrees. Lastly, he’s earned 1 Legion of the Scholar, 1 Seal of Loyalty and for his efforts during Club-wide events, he’s earned 9 Seals of the Crusader.

Raziel, thank you for deciding to join Odan-Urr. You’re the embodiment of what it means to be an Odanite. Thank you for your continued support and efforts. Congratulations on ascending to Equite 4!

Revak Kur
Consul, Odan-Urr

Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2021-12-22 22:58:14 UTC