Event Details

Event ID
General Stres'tron'garmis
Ruby Scepter
Requested by
Dr. Rhylance
Primary reason

Kordath is without a doubt a premier leader in this club. There really is no other way to put it. He’s a pillar within Arcona, a paragon of activity and leadership. He has devoted countless hours to this club, both as a member and as a leader, even after reaching the heights of Elder rank.

Since his last promotion, he has organized 48 competitions, many of which were long-running club-wide competitions. He has also participated in 242 competitions. This has netted him a ton of clusters (34 Fire, 166 Ice, 37 Earth, 36 Graphite), a respectable number of crescents (2 Diamond, 7 Ruby, 20 Amethyst, 22 Sapphire, 10 Emerald, 4 Topaz, 3 Quartz), 5 PoBs and 3 LoS’s. During the last Vendettas, he scored a Gold Nova, a Silver Nova, a Bronze Nova, 12 Seals of Enmity, and 14 Seals of Vision. When he is not doing all the competitions, he is ACCing, having finished 8 matches and judged 32. His keyboard also goes brrrr outside the ACC, where he has written a total of 53,854 words of fiction. He passed 9 SA courses, gained 2 degrees, and has graded 6 courses. Finally, he received 2 Scrolls of Foundation and 8 Scrolls of Indoctrination!

In addition to his regular activity, he continues to work within multiple roles within the club. He had served as an ACC judge for over 2 years, and Turel’s recc will provide more insight into his work there. He is also finishing up his tenure as Arcona’s Rollmaster, a job that he’s held since January of 2020.

As Rollmaster, he works closely with new members by assessing their needs and helping to guide them through the process. For example, he recently helped one new join who had been stuck for a couple of weeks on the Trial of Identity. As Rollmaster, he has worked directly with 28 new joins. Of those, 11 remain active members of the club. He has seen 6 of them through to the rank of Knight. Knowing that his tenure is coming to an end, Kord has been working with newer members to get them ready to take over for him. He has been assisting them with applications and teaching them the ropes of leadership in our Clan.

From a project standpoint, he has also taken point in world-building through the Selen Development Project competition series. Once the judging was done on each of these competitions, he worked with Grot to facilitate translating the winning entries into wiki entries. He also worked closely with a few other Arconans to draft a lengthy proposal regarding changes to the Arconan fleet. Upon receiving the go-ahead, he took responsibility for purchasing and reorganizing the clan possessions. He continues to be instrumental with our Fleet, helping to plan out the best way to utilize our funds to have the strongest fleet for our Clan, along with how we would utilize the fleet fictionally.

On a more personal note, Kord has been instrumental to my success in Arcona. He showed me how to be a leader, pulling me up when I came over to this Clan. Working closely with him taught me a lot and I will be forever grateful for him. He also has been a steady hand to help guide me when real-life stuff knocked me off my feet. His dedication and friendship have been paramount to my ability to continue on.

He is a friendly and helpful presence no matter what the venue. Discord, Telegram, Hangouts, he is there (though he may not necessarily be awake), cracking jokes, sharing knowledge, and just generally being awesome. He is always quick to hype an event or to congratulate others for a promotion or an award.

I honestly don’t know what I would do without him. He is a huge asset to Arcona and to this club. He spends countless hours actively helping to make the DJB a more fun and interesting place. As such, I am proud to recommend him for a Ruby Scepter. Congratulations on your new RS Kord!

Dr. Rhylance, 2021-12-30 19:29:00 UTC
Additional reasons

Since his last recognition, Stres'tron'garmis or Kord was an absolute pillar of the Antei Combat Centre staff. In that time period, Kord has proven to be one of the most efficient and reliable judges, serving as lead judge on an impressive 32 matches. To put that number in context, Kord served as lead judge in 31% of all matches completed as one of nine judges completing judgments during that period. He also provided timely support to his fellow judges in the form of rule of two review on at least 8 additional matches. Kord completed 5 ACC qualification exams with an average turnaround time from member submission to grading of 10 hours. All these activities in support of the members who use the Antei Combat Centre required a high level of professionalism and attention to detail.

Kord also supported Arch and myself in our respective tenures as Combat Master through thoughtful and frank advice, participation in staff discussions and a detailed review of the current version of the ACC rubric prior to publication. In my tenure as Combat Master Kord was my rock and my cornerstone. If I had to put a conservative estimate to it I would say Kord has spent a solid 40-45 hours of direct work in support of the ACC since his last recognition. On behalf of Arch, myself and the larger fiction community, thank you for all your hard work!

Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2021-12-30 19:54:57 UTC