Let me start off with a by-the-numbers review of Thran since his last recognition.
- 1 Organized
- 4 Co-Organized
- 74 Participation
- 77 PvE activities
- 4 Fiction activities
- 8,566 words written
Shadow Academy
- 3 courses passed
- 2 degrees gained
- 23 Crescents
- 8 Pendant of Blood
- 1,285 Clusters
- 1 Scroll of the Master
Thran has been a powerhouse individual within CSP. By the numbers he's clearly one of the top performers but his contributions have extended far beyond that.
He spearheaded our clan possession overhaul. From reviewing our existing possession, determine total value by asset, developing the new clan possession layout - researching extensively the Imperial Guidebook - and producing an easy to read analysis of recommended items to sell, purchase, and the corresponding structure to place the possession in.
Thran has championed our gaming night(s) and is always available for a match of BF2. He's equally an amazing chess player if you're seeking a casual gaming partner. I've learned quite a bit from him regarding my own chess playing.
I'm honored to see him receive this recognition and would expect to see more great things from him as he continues his time within the Regent's office.
I want to conclude here by speaking to Thran's leadership presence and abilities in Clan Scholae Palatinae. In short, he has been one of the greatest positive impacts on Clan activity and club gaming activity since his last recognition, and most definitely since his return to full activity. This is because Thran exemplifies the idea of leading by example, and using his example as a beacon of encouragement for his fellow Clan members. When he's gaming, he's always inviting people out to play - and not just his closest friends, but everyone! When he's writing, he's constantly bringing us along for the journey. When he's working on DC project work, even if he can't share the details, he shares his sheer excitement for it. And that gets people hyped up! It gets members engaged and talking with one another. And this is Thran to a tee. He wants people to be involved, to find their niche and passion, and to recognize how much fun being a member of this club is.
Thran is a foundational pillar of our Clan and club community who reminds everyone in the Clan that we're all DJB members who love Star Wars and want to have fun. He is a member who we should all strive to mirror and match in overall activity output, service to the community, and the ability to generate comradery and bonds between fellow members. He's the best of us.
I am so honored to see Thran being recognized for all of his great work. I know there are only great things ahead for him, and I'm so excited to see where it leads him. Congratulations, Thran, and keep it up.
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2022-01-03 18:40:19 UTC