Event Details

Event ID
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter
Steel Cross
Requested by
Archangel Palpatine
Primary reason

Warlord Shadow Palpatine Nighthunter has always been a fantastic servant to Clan Scholae Palatinae, serving as the Consul until recently, and now residing within House Caliburnus. Since her last recognition, she worked tirelessly for the final two months of her Consulship, pushing the Clan to greater levels of activity, and guiding others towards success via Discord. During this time as the Consul of Scholae Palatinae, she organized and ran 5 competitions, and co-organized another 7.

But a quiet retirement is not what she is looking for! Since her last award, she has completed 24 competitions, completed a long fiction (1676 words), and received a significant quantity of clusters and crescents, which are as follows:

  • Crescent with Ruby Star - 1
  • Crescent with Amethyst Star - 3
  • Crescent with Sapphire Star - 1
  • Crescent with Emerald Star - 2
  • Crescent with Topaz Star - 3
  • Cluster of Ice – 4
  • Cluster of Graphite – 5

For her service, and continued activity since stepping down as Consul, I am happy to recommend her for this award. Well done, Shadow!

Archangel Palpatine, 2022-01-06 03:13:40 UTC
Additional reasons

I believe this is the first award for Shadow since she abdicated the Imperial Throne. As such, I feel it necessary to add a few words regarding Shadow's contribution and this humble award.

Shadow as the Consul when I rejoined CSP and what struck me was the relationship she had with all the members. The clan had a sense of family and rallied around Shadow as much as Shadow rallied around them.

In her own quiet way she was the heart of the clan and we were better to have her with us. As Shadow transitioned back to a member of her beloved House Caliburnus she continues to be that little elf popping in seeking her freedom while plodding along with competition submissions and making her impact known.

I'm glad to have her with us still and I'm glad to call her a friend. I anticipate we'll see some really great things from her soon as she continues to make an impact on Scholae Palatinae.

Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2022-01-06 03:02:09 UTC