Event Details

Event ID
Epis Locke Sonjie
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Locke has spent over 3 years at the helm of Clan Naga Sadow as its top leader, and has spent time at every level of leadership in the Clan. Organizing nearly 100 competitions and providing leadership and guidance and opportunity for members of the organization. His leadership and counsel have most definitely had an impact on other members of the community and in reflecting back on all he has accomplished he should stand among the Elders. Congratulations Locke.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2022-01-12 23:48:22 UTC
Additional reasons

I think that Locke Sonjie has more than committed a long-term devotion to our club, and to Clan Naga Sadow. Whereas some members have served once as Consul of a Clan and then moved on to greener pastures, Rogues, or just plain old retirement, Locke has stuck with Clan Naga Sadow. Having served as Consul back in 2012-2013, he came to serve again another 2 years from 2015-2017. It was under Locke's leadership that we saw events such as Ashes Fall, Awakenings, Operation: Firestorm among many other Operations.

Even though Locke stepped away from the Consul life and all the delightful stresses that can bring, he has continued to serve in our membership. Locke has spent literal years as a Battleteam Leader, then returned to Aedile before again serving as Quaestor. Looking back at Locke's dossier, he has a tidy little bundle of internet shinies to show for his service.

Though not all of Locke's contributions have been quite as upfront as his time as Consul, he has been a valued supporter- and critic- of the Upper Summit. He has not been afraid to call me out on things that we are doing poorly. In that way, I think of him as more than just a subordinate or peer, and maybe more as a good internet friend. I mean, he might seem a bit prickly from time to time, but Locke has historically gotten results.

Thinking back on my Journeyman days, Locke had an ability to craft enjoyable events and activities that I still envy. Here is the thing I do want to circle about to, though. Locke could very well have just coasted along. Locke could have very well just gone poof and run away leaving all of us and Sang very sad. Locke is a fun, if slightly offbeat individual. Whether is has been in organizing the HMR Master of Puzzles competitions, small events like HMR Dark Flame, his part in the Arbiters of Sadow series we once used to select Blackguards, Null Zero, his part in running the CNS/CSP Shattered Ties event, Operations Firestorm and Cobalt, Awakenings, Red Fury...

I could go on. Locke as Consul was quite the trip. From his promotion and beyond, I did take a peek over his hard numbers. I can spout off the usual sort of stuff. He has gobs of competitions organized (41), co-organized (29), and participated in (261). He has been a storm of Fire and Earth Clusters, with some 75 PvP and 257 PvE entries. He has completed 53 fiction activities, 9 ACC battles. He has clocked out over 50k words, 29 RO posts and another 25k words from just the latter. Clusters in the four usual flavors: 393 of Fire, 163 of Ice, 3371 of Earth and 57 of Graphite. He has recieved 4 Seals of Loyalty and a variety of Vendetta Seals: 19 Wrath, 10 Fury, 12 Discord, 5 Visions and 7 Enmity.

Looking at his recent Sapphire Blade and then his Amethyst Kukri back in 2016 and I think it does paint a picture of consistency. True, retiring from Consul does tend to slow one down. In the time he served as Consul, our unit was second for active members. We had lots of members reach Knight, we had stability, and our Clan saw growth under his leadership. In the times since, he has helped us to update our fleet and military assets several times. He brought about the Dominion, which as I alluded to above, was a high point in my early DB/CNS career. Actually, looking back at the Amethyst Kukri reccs that Locke received you can see that Sang's words echo how willing Locke is to point out how a course can be corrected for the good of his unit and his fellow members.

The fact is that, without the influence of Locke, I don't think that Clan Naga Sadow would be in half the state that it is today. I think that given the quality of his contributions, given the heart he has poured into the Clan, and the longevity with which he has continued to do so that Locke is already an Elder in his own right. As such, I lift my voice in support of this promotion.

This recognition is more than overdo, and I hope that even though it took us a long time to hold his achievements up, that Locke will still be with us for a long time to come.

Well done, Locke. I guess that tonight your drinks will be on me.


Master Bentre Stahoes, 2022-01-07 00:44:49 UTC

WoW! So, these Elder promos are just a flipping HUGE honor for me to be a part of. I won't go into a long soapbox of everything that Locke has been involved in because the Boss already laid that out. I just want to attest to Locke as a person, mentor and member to the Clan and Club.

Locke is a one of those folks that every Clan should have. He is a member that has set a foundation within the Clan. A Summiteer on multiple occasions, Locke has had a hand in developing CNS both indirectly and directly. From his former Consul days to just being a staunch mentor to us. He is one of those folks that calls a spade a spade and is true to his word.

Locke's ability to see things in a different light has continually bolstered the Clan and our members to grow in a more positive and informative manner. His knowledge is more than an asset to the Clan, he is just a walking CNS encyclopedia. He has assisted Summit on SEVERAL occasions, and I know for me, regardless of whether we agree on a topic or not, I know that his inputs are ALWAYS for the betterment of the CLAN. A fact that I admire and respect of a man that is WELL DESERVING of this promotion. It truly is an honor to be a part of your Elder promotion, Congrats Sir!

Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2022-01-07 17:44:28 UTC