Event Details

Event ID
High Inquisitor Hector Von Ricmore
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Primary reason

It has been a little over a year and a half since Von Ricmore was promoted. During that time he has continued to be a beacon of activity within the Clan and Brotherhood as a whole. Despite a busy college schedule, he stays connected with the members of Clan Vizsla and the Brotherhood as a whole. He leads as a leader should, from the front and by his example.

In terms of participation that is shown in his 85 competitions completed. His activity has earned him 22 Crescents and 2 merit medals, a Steel Cross, and Dark Cross respectively. He is nearly always up for gaming as is shown by 1148 Clusters of Earth and 174 Clusters of Fire. He has composed 4231 words of fiction and another 1475 in run-ons.

Just after the last vendetta, Ricmore approached me about redesigning the Vizsla fleet. This was a big project and I would be straight up lying if I said anything other than it was spearheaded by Ricmore. After taking volunteers to work on it we poured over the possessions doing several plans each with its own costs and strengths and weaknesses. It took over a month to compile the data and then buy the fleet and organize it. It was a big undertaking and Ricmore handled it like a pro. During the recent Planetary Assets release, his advice has once again been invaluable in shaping the future of Clan Vizsla. With discussions and planning being done with me behind ‘closed’ doors we have developed the defenses for not just the Clan Headquarters and Spaceport but the Fleet repair yard. He has placed his stamp on the p[ossessions of this clan in a major way and I would have been hard-pressed to complete both projects without his assistance.

He has served 9 months now in clan leadership, four as a battle team leader, and five now as Quaestor. He is regular in communicating with his members and the summit. He emails new joins promptly and is admirable in his desire to get members engaged and active. But I would say he has been a leader in Clan Vizsla for far longer. Even before taking a leadership role he was always ready and willing to help new members and even some of us old-timers. Assisting in everything from possessions, Character Sheets down to proofing fiction entries and volunteering to teach members to play the various games in the Brotherhood.

Congratulations Ricmore!

Hand of the Emperor Korvyn, 2022-02-13 19:16:21 UTC