Gwowk is one of those members who are rarely on the site but is always hanging around Discord to give us a steady supply of memes or teaming up with us to play some SWTOR heroics. Since he joined, Gwowk has participated in 12 competitions, has written 564 words of Fiction, earned 1 Cluster of Ice, 12 Clusters of Earth, 1 Seal of Enmity for his efforts during our last ROS, and had joined us in 3 of our Community Events so far this year.
Thank you Gwowk for being a part of our community. Members like you keep us going. We look forward to seeing you move up the ranks.
Congratulations on your first Dark Cross!
Revak K’Urr
Consul, Odan-Urr
Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2022-04-01 01:12:07 UTC