Event Details

Event ID
Neza-Rem Zarabi
Dark Cross
Requested by
Nikora Rhan
Primary reason

One of our long-time members, Neza-Rem Zarabi is someone you will recognise even if you’ve never spoken with them directly. With a steady level of activity and a solid number of accomplishments since his last merit, having participated in thirteen competitions ranging from fiction driven ones to those focusing in gaming on The Old Republic. Earning first place in several of these, he’s been awarded a Crescent with Ruby Star, a Crescent with Amethyst Star, a Crescent with Topaz Star, and eight Clusters of Ice. This isn’t even mentioning his participation with the big club-wide events either, earning a Seal of Discord and three Seals of Enmity. To finish this all off with both participation in Run-ons and a willingness to offer his thoughts on reports, it’s clear that he deserves a Dark Cross for all of his efforts.

Nikora Rhan, 2022-04-01 17:04:28 UTC
Additional reasons

Congrats apprentice!

Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2022-03-30 22:30:25 UTC