Event Details

Event ID
Druzk Zornosz
Old Rank
Yeoman (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Professional (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Over the last 28 days, Druzk has continued to prove his determination, fortitude and willingness to participate in just about everything. He’s participated in 14 competitions just in the last month, earning 3 crescents, as well as 150 clusters of fire. Although only a single cluster of ice has been awarded since his prior promotion, it was all that was needed thanks to already completing that task. Despite this, Druzk has completed another 536 recorded words, with more surely on the way thanks to avid sportsmanship in Arcona’s recent roleplays. Arguably the most impressive of our scaly mercenary’s recent creations and participations is his wiki, using features available in the coding even I haven’t attempted yet, and creating an awesome basis for the character of Druzk. With all of this in mind, the knowledge that he has been wonderfully active across the Discord platform is a catalyst for this recommendation. He’s a joy to have among us in Arcona, and we all can’t wait to see what comes next with his time in the clan, and the club overall.

It’s my pleasure to recommend Druzk to Professional.


Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2022-04-04 03:26:34 UTC
Additional reasons

Since Druzk joined the DB, he's been an awesome and active member of the club as well as our clan. It has been a joy serving him in flourishing into a full member and I'm happy to call him my apprentice.

Congrats on becoming a Professional Druzk!

Doctor Avery Erinos Watson, 2022-04-04 03:26:03 UTC