Event Details

Event ID
Jaa Shif
Old Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
New Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
Requested by
Qyreia Arronen
Primary reason

Since his last promotion some two years ago, the artist colloquially known as Kris has been a steady source of activity and helpful assistant to the various chambers of the DC. For three months, he’s served as Magistrate to the Fist, for nine months the same for the Herald’s office, and currently have a running three-month tenure as Praetor to the Herald, showing his continued commitment to the club as a whole!

On a unit level, Kris has (co-)organized five competitions and participated in a whopping 109! For these efforts, he’s earned a grand total of 17 Crescents of various denominations and a literal mountain of 712 Clusters! During Vendettas, he’s not sat idly by either, as his combined 30 Seals and three Novae can attest to.

Kris has also passed seven Shadow Academy courses and earned a pair of shiny new degrees, which must go pretty nicely with the Grand Cross in the award cabinet.

As part of House Qel-Droma and Arcona, Kris has remained an enthusiastic participant in our daily activities and channels, chipping in with topics both light-hearted, memeriffic, and sober. As someone who also speaks their mind on matters dear to me, I appreciate Kris’ candor and genuine desire to improve Arcona and the club as a whole—a task I remain confident he will continue to strive toward in the future as well!

Upon reaching a ‘comfortable’ level within the Brotherhood, especially the high-Equites, there is a real danger of getting a bit too comfortable as activity plateaus and interest may shift. As such, it is with great delight that I can say Kris has not fallen into the trap of mere existence, but continues to give back to the Club and Clan with copious amounts of spare time—that most precious of resources.

Taken together, I am proud to recommend Kris to be promoted to the final Equite rank, a rung on the ladder he has well and duly earned the right to climb.

Tali Sroka
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Qyreia Arronen, 2022-04-15 21:26:45 UTC
Additional reasons

Since his last recognition nine months ago Kris, or as he goes by his dossier Jael has served the Herald Office with pure diligence. He has been responsible for the creation of seven (7) Custom dossier weapon skins and three (3) Selector dossier skins (compiled of ninety (90) individual images)). Kris/Jael further assisted in the creation of a custom Warbanner image summing it up all together to almost one hundred unique images he created for the Herald office.

His dedication further led me to appoint him to the position of Praetor within the Herald Office where he keeps up with taking care of the day-to-day affairs of the Office such as reviewing and handling Avatar and Competition requests.

He's also a steady voice on the Brotherhood's art channel on Discord, providing feedback on various topics or posting personal artwork to further the growth of the community.

For all the above, I am honored to recommend Jael Valsi Chi'ra for a promotion to the rank of Augur. Congrats and well done Kris!

Rian Taldrya
Herald of the Brotherhood

Rian Taldrya, 2022-04-15 21:22:08 UTC