Event Details

Event ID
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Old Rank
Privateer (Equite 1)
New Rank
Raider (Equite 2)
Requested by
Aedile Tali Sroka
Primary reason

Zuza has been, and I can’t write this enough, one of the most invigorating, pleasant additions to Clan Arcona since she first arrived. Aside from stealing everyone in Arcona’s hearts with her warm personality and endeavors to include everyone around her in engagement and competition, she has also been one of the most active contributors in Arcona and the Club at large in the 9 months since her last promotion.

During this time, Zuza has continued to be the star of Arcona, earning 544,090 credits for the Clan. She accomplished this by organizing 13 competitions herself DB-Wide, while participating in a whopping 94 competitions. The 12 fictional activities she dove into netted her 50,936 words of fiction (including Role Play efforts before they were formally counted on their own) and an additional 10,288 words from 4 recent Role Play activities themselves. This has netted her a Grand Cross, as well as an impressive 1 crescent with Diamond Star, 12 Crescent with Ruby Star, 25 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 15 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 9 Crescent with Emerald Star, 5 Crescent with Topaz Star. She has amassed 122 Clusters of Ice, 166 Clusters of Earth, and 7 Clusters of Graphite.

Beyond these impressive metrics, Zuza has also been hard at work learning the ins and outs of Leadership as Arcona’s (sadly) last Rollmaster. Over the past 4 months, this has not, in anyway, dampened her efforts or initiatives- she’s already made her presence known by having helped our two latest JM4s (Mex and Druzk) reach that milestone by making sure they were paired with the right person, and also offered her guidance and experience with navigating the site and handling the back-end administration.

Lastly, Zuza has managed to turn some impressive heads, including two members of the Dark Council. This is evident and seen in her Grand Cross (where her activity was initially recognized by the Regent) and the famous moment of getting the Master at Arms to call her “evil” for her vicious puzzle competition series.

I am continually honored and delighted to write more positive things in support of Zuza’s achievements in the Brotherhood and Clan Arcona. So a continued congratulations on reaching the rank of Equite 2. Well deserved and I know you will only continue to strive forward marching to the beat of your own heart and ambition.


Aedile Tali Sroka, 2022-04-24 21:50:55 UTC
Additional reasons

Zuza has been, is, and (I hope with my Farsight +4) will continue to be one of Arcona's most Arcona-y members. Ever since joining the club, she's been a joy to behold as few members come close to her level of enthusiasm and positivity. Of course, the Clan of rainbows is perhaps stereotypically upbeat, but coming from a salty curmudgeon like myself, I can say Zuza easily lives and breathes the Arconan spirit of inclusivity and participation.

It is for that very reason that she's taken to fill some big shoes in the Rollmaster position, to which she's taken with aplomb. In Summit meetings her input has been well-measured and shows her excellent focus on that most crucial of club aspects: membership enjoyment.

I could wax lyrical, but after all the kind words Wally said, I feel like I'd just be repeating stuff, repeating stuff. As such, I shall for once keep it brief and only say I heartily support Zuza's promotion to the next rung of Equiteship.

Well earned, you majestic pickle!

Tali Sroka
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2022-04-24 21:49:54 UTC