Xantros’ latest six-month term in the Shadow Academy has been extremely valuable to both the Academy and the Brotherhood, as a whole. Xantros came to the position with the idea to host the monthly Mysteries Explained competition series and helped ensure that those ran faithfully – including five parent competitions, each with three smaller competitions of fiction, graphics and a puzzle. He also went the extra mile to create the prompts and rules for a sixth parent and its sub-competitions to make it easier for his replacement to hit the ground running.
Xantros also took on the role of creating and hosting the live Shadow Academy trivia on Discord, which involved selecting topics, writing 20 questions and multiple-choice answers around that topic and finding and formatting a few images for each round to use with the trivia. While these were initially planned as monthly competitions, he stepped up as it became more popular and helped us run them more frequently, for a total of eight during his term.
In addition to running competitions, Xantros also worked to lay the groundwork for six new courses, some of which will ultimately become a new intel-focused combat degree (one he even started prior to his term in a non-staff role just to help the SA). Those six course drafts include a great deal of research and synthesis of information on some niche topics, over 10,000 words of course notes, 86 exam questions and a ton of links to relevant material!
Though he would modestly deflect and call it simply “madness,” this kind of initiative and effort, some of which he completed in the final days of his term simply due to inspiration and motivation, exemplify Xantros’ commitment to help better the Brotherhood by continuing to produce new and interesting content for its members. It is for this reason that I am honored to recommend Xantros for his third Amethyst Kukri, and thank him again for his faithful and exceptional service to the Shadow Academy.
Congratulations, Xantros!
Ciara Tearnan Rothwell Tarentae, 2022-05-10 03:23:32 UTC