The Brotherhood is comprised of many members.
Some members are quite, some are quite chatty. Some members are absolute monsters when it comes to their chosen area of expertise in gathering clusters/recognition. Some folks just like to hit competition series or complete puzzles. Some folks love to write fiction. And some members just seem to like to game.
Annika is a bit of that last one.
A thing that makes her unique, at least as far as members that I have seen is that she keeps coming back. That, as we had stated in her recently earned Dark Cross recommendation, Annika has stuck with the Brotherhood, and she has stuck with Clan Naga Sadow.
Annika's list of accomplishments is not super long. The time between them is a bit of an oddity, for sure. Annika keeps coming back though as she is able. Despite the siren's call and the reality of real life obligations, Annika still likes to pop in as she is able and throw down in gaming. She still enjoys the social aspect, even despite the fact that she is often quite absent on the 'main' social scene of the Brotherhood.
8 months between lower Journeyman ranks is an anomaly, as I see it. Normally, a member can accomplish them much more quickly. But when, despite the trouble in real life a member finds the time to continue being a part of their Clan and the club, there is a certain commendable nature to that.
26 Clusters of Fire for pvp, 23 Clusters of earth for pve, a singular Crescent with Emerald Star from a competition and seven gaming competitions on top of the other regular and manual comps? Yeah, I think this is a humble beginning for a member full of potential.
Thus, I am joining my voice in support of Annika Anthos promotion. She has carved out a small niche for herself in gaming, and I hope that as time goes on she will be able to afford herself a greater niche and that she might be able to join us more often. In the mean time, she has more than earned this promotion and I hope this might be just one step down a long and fun road for this member.
Bentre Stahoes
Overlord of Naga Sadow
Master Bentre Stahoes, 2022-05-14 16:55:53 UTC