Event Details

Event ID
Meyrath Rizara
Old Rank
Journeyman 3
New Rank
Journeyman 4
Requested by
Envoy Zuza Lottson
Primary reason

Meyrath has been a brilliant artistic piece of Arcona over these last few months. She has Co-Organised a competiton, been awarded 3 crescents, reached the margin of hoarding 7 clusters of Ice and Graphite and participated in 7 competitions. Alongside all this, Mey has produced an approved Wiki page for her character, completed the Leadership Competitions SA Course and written 3000 words across varied fiction activities, all topped of with plenty more than 28 days in her current rank.

Thus, I happily recommend Meyrath to join the ranks of Arcona's Knights. Congratulations!

Envoy Zuza Lottson, 2022-05-26 19:02:23 UTC
Additional reasons

Congrats you heckin' nerd-lookin' gremlin of spectacular artistic talent.

Tomora Nay'ek, 2022-05-26 19:02:03 UTC