Event Details

Event ID
Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Primary reason

What can be said about the Grand Master that has not already been said time and time again? Well, I have to say that in my time here, he has always taken the time out for ANYONE seeking his counsel. To be honest, I have sought out his sage advice more times than I like to admit. I know other Clan’s have the privilege of having a former sitting GM within their ranks, and privilege is a gross understatement. Not only does the GM offer up counsel on a number of issues, he continues to mentor the entire Summit on direction, future endeavors and the general well being of the Clan. His contributions do not go unnoticed from all levels of the Clan. It is always great to hear from another member regarding how impressed they are that the GM is still digging in the trenches with the rest of us!

Without hesitation the Lion of Tarthos has delivered his leadership to the Clan and Club. He was Magistrate to both the incumbent Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master for over a year. He also is a current member of the Star Chamber, a position he has held for nearly two years. Not leaving his roots unattended, the GM took up the helm as the Battleteam Leader to the Night Hawks of Marka Ragnos. Over the last two years Grand Master Keibatsu has amassed a staunch amount of activity. Partaking in seventy two comps earning himself the following array of shineys to add to his collection. Three Crescents with Diamond Star, eight Crescents with Amethyst Star, two Crescents with Sapphire Star, five Crescents with Emerald Star, seven Clusters of Fire, twenty five Clusters of Ice, eleven Clusters of Earth, eighteen Clusters of Graphite and one Seal of Enmity.

It is with great honor and respect that I can be a part of this recc and award Grand Master Muz Ashen Keibatsu with this stellar recognition and award for all his contributions to the Club! Thank you Sir!

Warlord DarkHawk Sadow

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2022-07-22 15:17:13 UTC