Event Details

Event ID
Tasha'Vel Versea
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Primary reason

Warlord Tasha’Vel Versea is a constant reminder of what a leader is. As Aedile of House Shar Dakhan, she and the Quaestor are on a never ending quest to improve the Clan and their House.

Tasha is no slouch when it comes to competitions and kicking butt. Since her last recognition she has organized/Co-Org’d nineteen competitions, participated in eighty nine and amassed two hundred and sixty two gaming activities. Pretty impressive numbers if I do say so myself. Adding to that Tasha has amassed an even more impressive amount of medals during the same time period. A total of thirty four Crescents, twenty four hundred and forty six Clusters of Fire. Yes, that number is correct. Five Clusters of Ice followed by another staggering total of seventeen hundred and eighty four Clusters of Earth. She also earned three Clusters of Graphite and one Seal of Loyalty. These numbers are just a small snapshot of how her presence is felt across the Clan.

During her time as Aedile she and the Questor organized the Going Viking Event for the Clan. When she is not furthering House development, Tasha has ventured off to assist the Club in many different roles. She has had positions as an Appeals Panelist within the CoJ. Currently she holds a position as the Magistrate to the Voice. Tasha is always looking to give back to the Club in a plethora of ways. Always setting the example, leading from the front. She is a valuable asset to the Clan and I am honored to call her a friend.

During the War she was ever present assisting folks with proofs for fictions and encouraging our folks to partake in comps. Besides all that, she showcased herself by competing in every competition bin. To top all her GJW activity off, the Warlord garnered herself a Silver Novae for the GJW Cluster race. She racked up an impressive twenty five hundred and thirteen points for supported gaming. Then added another four hundred and seventy two points in the casual gaming arena. Handidly claiming her coveted medal. Her list of accolades continue to add up and impress everyone within the Clan. She is a proven force to be reckoned with.

Her accomplishments say a lot about her. But her pureness and devotion to the Clan is deafening. This is just a small token of the Clan’s appreciation for everything you do. It is with great pleasure to be able to present this award to you! Well deserved!

Warlord DarkHawk Sadow


Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2022-07-22 15:38:00 UTC