It was with a heavy, but understanding, heart that I saw Shadow leave us for the Rogues. As with many of our members she has grown up within the Dark Brotherhood and is how off tackling the great real-life adventure of professional careers and adult decisions.
In her time since her Consulship concluded she was a regular presence within our chat and a continued champion of the Clan and club as a whole. I continue to enjoy our chats and loved her willingness to let us "kidnap her" during the conclusion of The Dark Times Saga.
I wish her well and hope to see her return in the future.
- 7 Gaming
- 2 Fiction
- 5,456 words written
- 1 Ruby
- 1 Amethyst
- 1 Sapphire
- 3 Emerald
- 2 Topaz
- 97 Clusters of Fire
- 11 Clusters of Ice
- 5 Clusters of Graphite
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2022-07-23 16:24:07 UTC