Event Details

Event ID
Tomora Nay'ek
Old Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
New Rank
Seer (Equite 3)
Requested by
Aedile Tali Sroka
Primary reason

Some members lead by signing up or taking a position in Clan Summit or working as a staffer for a DCer, but others find different ways to make their presence known. While Techie (currently playing Eilen Ru’tyari) has not served on the summit or in a staff position, he leads in a way that benefits Clan Arcona, and therefore the DJB, in a much more impactful way: he recruits and retains members. This is bluntly visible on paper thanks to his 2 Scrolls of the Master for mentoring Doon Sulvir and Meyrath Rizara to JM4. But what is not seen on paper is that he could have easily had a third or fourth in recent JM4s Druzk Zornosz and Mex, all of whom were recruited to the club by Techie and stayed thanks to his willingness to walk them through every step, hop in voice chat, or talk them through the introductory steps of the club's onboarding. Techie could have tried to be selfish and handle all four on his own, but his savvy and awareness of what draws people to the club and the clan allowed him to delegate his recruits to the right mentor (based on time zone, schedule, and personality), which paid dividends for the success of our most recent class of Journeyman completing their trials. This level of adding growth to Arcona and the DJB has a revitalizing effect on everyone, including old jaded bones like myself.

Statistically speaking, Techie has been a powerhouse across a wide spectrum of activities. He’s participated in 64 competitions while nabbing 18 Crescents with various stars. During the last RoS, Techie stepped up by earning 15 Seals of Enmity and took home 4 Gold Novae and 1 Silver. In Great Jedi XV, he added another Silver Nova for his contributions to the Clan Run-On, and made sure to get 100% bin participation with his 12 entries. He also added on two 4th place placements as well!

Over the last two years as an Equite 2, and having accrued two Anteian Crosses already, Techie has gathered 267 Clusters of Fire, 88 Clusters of Ice, 6 Clusters of Earth, 33 Clusters of Graphite, earned 465,300 credits for the Clan and has clicky-clack’d 37,323 words of fiction between RPs and Fiction Competitions.

Arcona would not be the same Clan without Techie’s presence. For this, and all he’s helped bring to the table with an infusion of new recruits and his own personal efforts, I’m honored to see him elevated to the rank of Equite 3.


Aedile Tali Sroka, 2022-07-26 04:49:23 UTC
Additional reasons

Eilen/Techie/Sully goes by many names, but all of them resonate with the same warmness that is quintessentially Arconan. Like the space ferret he is, Techie has found his niche and resides within it aplomb. When prompted or tempted to spurs of activity, the frenzied results are terrifying and magnificent to behold, and in the calms between he is a continued delight both within the fictional realm and most importantly in our shared cyberspace.

A true and dependable member, I honestly could not imagine Qel-Droma without at least one of our resident space ferrets to call upon, and as recognition for his dependable service and continued awesomeness, I am happy to support this well-earned promotion to EQ3.

-Tali Sroka

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2022-07-25 21:02:22 UTC