Event Details

Event ID
Druzk Zornosz
Dark Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Druzk has quietly chugged along as an active presence since hitting the final mark of the Journeyman ranks. Over the past 3 months, which was mostly consumed by 2 months of GJWXV, Druzk stepped up to the plate by getting 8 out of 9 bins on 9 entries, but by also nabbing his first Gold Nova in a gaming competition! He was also integral in the story planning and execution of the Clan Run-On where he earned a Silver Nova for his efforts. Additionally, he tacked on another 8th place entry. Overall, he’s participated in 16 total competitions while penning 3509 words of fiction, earned 144,790 credits for the Clan, 48 Clusters of Fire, 8 clusters of Ice, 3 Clusters of Earth, 6 clusters of Graphite, and 7 crescents with a variety of star.

Druzk has been a great team player, helped with proofreading the other team members posts during the Run-On, and showed real poise during a stressful event and time. We’re honored and lucky to have him in the Battleteam, and look forward to seeing him grow within Arcona and the club. Congrats my scaled friend on your Dark Cross!

Battleteam Leader: Voidbreaker_

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2022-07-25 22:16:43 UTC