Since Kaled's last recognition he has participated in 13 total competitions, 11 of which were in GJWXV and assisted Arcona's 1st place by completing 7 out of 9 bins. His graphics, 2 fiction and 2 RP efforts totalled 8161 words which earned him 22 Clusters of Ice as well as 8 Graphite. This year Kaled was one of two clan recipients of the Seal of Loyalty for May Fourth, which further demonstrates his steady activity and clan presence. For these reasons as well as the positivity he has brung to the battleteam I am more than happy to award him a Dark Cross!
Battleteam Leader: Dajorrran Marshals
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos, 2022-08-02 20:59:45 UTC