Event Details

Event ID
Adept Mune Cinteroph
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Howlader Taldrya
Primary reason

Mune has been a member of the Master at Arms staff for over three years now, joining just a smidge prior to their last promotion in the spring of 2019. In that time, they've served as both magistrate and then praetor (and will continue to serve!) - fufilling a critical but often unsung role in the MAA office (and the Brotherhood) - telling me that I am wrong, crazy, or just being too much of a bastard.

You see, Mune's temperment and experience in all manners of the DB - but especially the evaluation of medal and promotion reccomendations - undoubtably make them qualified to hit the rank of Dark Adept - or Elder 1, or whatever it is people call it now. They are able to look at members, their activities, their contributions and their overall achivements like any senior member of the Brotherhood should be able to - but with one outstanding difference. Mune looks at things differently, and is able to complement me (and Halc, because he's also a grumpy bastard).

Mune's dossier and clan activity is expertly covered below, but I think if nothing else, Mune's patience and ability to put up with my nonsense for three years? That makes an Elder. Oh, that and their constant ability to contribute to the MAA Office's pretty acceptable turnaround time on processing, well, all the god damn things.

Congratulations Mune!

Howlader Taldrya, 2022-08-10 16:15:02 UTC
Additional reasons

Although I've known of Mune for many-a-year (we've been in the place way too damn long), I've never had the pleasure of working closely with them until I was kidnapped and dumped back into the MAA office. Even after all of these years, as well as having worked in the MAA office for quite some time, it is refreshing to see the positive energy that continues to flow from Mune. They are genuinely concerned with ensuring everyone in the club is treated fairly, and they are always looking at the member experience when making any decisions that come through our office.

Mune's continued dedication and optimism are a bright beacon in the midst of what can sometimes be a jaded surrounding. They continue to want to do good for this club, and are always looking for ways to better the experience for everyone. I am more than happy to see Mune step into the Elder ranks, where they deserve to be. Congratulations, Mune!

Lord Halcyon, 2022-08-10 16:13:39 UTC

Since their promotion in June of 2019, Mune has spent the last 3 years being one of the most active day-to-day members in the club in a hybrid role as a both “player” (regular member) and “leader” (serving in different positions that served the clubs communities). As a member, Mune has been a work-fox of activity in garnering: 1 Gold Nova, 1 Crescent with a Ruby Star, 6 Crescent with an Amethyst Star, 5 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 11 Crescent with Emerald Star, 11 Crescent with Topaz Star, 2 Crescent with Quartz Star, 83 Cluster of Fire, 117 Cluster of Ice, 10 Cluster of Earth, 33 Clusters of Graphite, 1 Scroll of Indoctrination, 13 Scroll of Foundation, 2 Seal of Loyalty, 1 Seal of Discord, 10 Seal of Visions, and 9 Seal of Enmity. All told they’ve participated in 227 competitions while organizing 6 and co-organizing 3. They’ve earned over 300k credits for a combination of Clan Arcona and Clan Scholae Palatinae and has logged roughly 50,000 words of fiction.

Beyond the hyper-activity, including the end of their Proconsul term for 5 months, Mune would also serve as an ACC Judge for a year. As a judge, Mune reviewed the revised edition of the [then] ACC rubric prior to publication in order to ensure it benefited the ACC community as a whole and to help get the document ready for review by a wider circle of members and ultimately the GM and DGM, on top of the day-to-day grading of matches and qualifications (8 Battles graded, 10 qualifications graded).

Mune then had the misfortune opportunity of getting to work with Howie in the MAA team, first as a magistrate and then (predictably based on their mad skills) to Praetor, which they have held down for over 2 years. Can you imagine working for Howie for 2 years and still being bright eyed and optimistic!? Crazy. I’ll let Howie elaborate on these efforts in his own words, though.

Additionally, I wanted to also just take a minute in this space to share my ongoing gratitude in having Mune as a member in Clan Arcona, and by extension my Battleteam. They have been a healthy, inspiring motivator to myself, my efforts and those around me. As I’ve written in previous awards, Mune’s temperament, desire to share, and their unwavering dedication to helping others makes them a delight and treasure to be around, work with creatively, and make our Clan, and by extension the rest of the club, a better, more inclusive and fun place.

Mune has, of course, earned two high level sacramental awards in the form of a Ruby Scepter and Amethyst Kukri for all of their work and contributions. And in the latest Great Jedi War (GJWXV) Mune went full bin participation with 16 entries, taking home 1 Silver Nova and placing twice with 6th and 5th place efforts as well as a 9th place entry. Each of these endeavors helped propel Arcona to a first place victory, they don’t show the full picture of what Mune’s presence, optimism, and work ethic did for the non-tangible morale of the unit. In the Run-On, one of the hardest to manage events that incorporated over 21 writers, Mune was integral in organizing, proofreading, and helping empower other writers to hone and get their entries submitted. His poise and drive were inspirational and helped spur Arcona, and Battleteam Voidbreaker, to the success they were able to find.

Please join me in congratulating Mune on joining the esteemed ranks of the Brotherhood’s Elders.

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2022-08-10 16:14:50 UTC