Event Details

Event ID
Nora Olen
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Nora Olen has continued her torrid pace of activity from the moment she achieved her promotion to Knight five months ago. She has made contributions to our Clan from the place of both a contributing member to a leader giving back to her members. Without doubt she has been one of the most important members of the Ascendant Clan since this summer (and before lest we forget!).

Nora's level of activity has been truly remarkable, not just in its quantity but also in the condensed time frame it takes place in. Outside observers have had occasion to ask the question "How does she do that much?" Since her last elevation in in mid-July she has submitted entries to 133 competitions (including all 32 total competitions during Pro Bowl VI) while earning 30 placements: 1 Gold Nova to go along with 2 Diamond, 7 Ruby, 6 Amethyst, 9 Sapphire, 4 Emerald, and 1 Topaz crescent. She has submitted 10 fiction activities totaling 6,173 words to earn 17 Clusters of Ice. She's completed 10 gaming activities to bring home 107 Clusters of Earth. Oh, and Clusters of Graphite for graphics entries? She's amassed a staggering 71 of those, too. To top that off she also captured 25 Seals of Ascension as one of the top overall participants in this summer's Great Jedi War. She also passed an additional 5 Shadow Academy courses while earning two Dark Mavens (Leadership and Writing) along with the Dark Savant of Leadership and Communication.

As a leader, she has split time between Aedile and Quaestor in House Ventress and acquitted herself very well in her role. She has organized 9 competitions between her D&D series and the currently running end of year puzzle series. She has completed all of her assigned reports (skipping her Quaestor report during the Pro Bowl in favor of a focus on one to one member engagement) and continued to send out our weekend competitions update messages to her House. Her work during the Pro Bowl led to some truly staggering results, however. 10 of the then 15 rostered members of House Ventress submitted to events during the Pro Bowl, accounting for 50% of the unique Plagueis participants, and generated a total of 108 total entries. It is because of the work Nora did during the event that Plagueis saw a 70% participation ratio in the Pro Bowl and bested by 50% again the next closest unique participant number of all participants. For her leadership performance coupled with her individual activity she was awarded an Amethyst Kurkri, earning it in an astounding 3.5 months!

By any definition Nora has been one of the best members of Clan Plagueis in 2022, and I would put her work up against anyone else in the Brotherhood as one of the best members of the club at large. One of the most rewarding tasks that a leader has is to write recommendations for their subordinates, and Nora makes that job all the more enjoyable by making it so damn easy to justify her reward and advancement with her astronomical activity. With the thanks of a grateful Clan, I put her forward for elevation to the second level of the Equites.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2022-12-14 23:39:21 UTC