Event Details

Event ID
Ky Terrak di Plagia
Grand Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Ky is another great example of those seeking excellence and the benefit of their fellow members from their tireless service. On several occasions Ky has demonstrated that he is more interested in simply furthering the Clan than any mere personal concerns that would motivate many a member. I have personally recognized him with my humble Eye of the Aedile recognition for his selfless service. He deserves this and more. ~ Raken<br> <br> **<br> <br> Ky, a fighter to the end, he think he lives up to the quote "Never give up....Never surrender". He has done such a great job as BTL and doing the best of the best that he could do during the GJW and now he has moved up to my newest ENV which I know he will continue to do his best and serve his clan, his house, his people. Thank you Ky for all your hard work and Congrats! <br> <br> HSK/QUA OP Silent<br> <br> **<br> <br> It's hard, exactly, to list everything that Ky has done. Besides the most obvious and most recent, that being his participation in six events during the Great Jedi War (For which he earned six Seals and what I would guess as being around one hundred Clusters of Fire), he's also been active in several other areas. He's also been a great Battle Team Leader these past few weeks, and was kind enough to volunteer his team for removal when we limited each house to two teams. Since his promotion to Dark Jedi Knight, Ky has earned a Star of Antei, Dark Cross, and Steel Cross. He most recently took over the dutiful job of House Envoy/Rollmaster, something all the summit thinks he's going to excel at. He's a superb member that I enjoy having in my team, and I'm proud to award him this great medal. ~ PCON Aabs

Zanet Xox, 2006-09-05 22:00:00 UTC