Tolter has been an amazing active member by participating in a total of four events during the Great Jedi War. He's also been an active participant in the Plagueis Caption Contest, as well as constantly being on IRC. He's always there, and if a superb member who more then deserves this award. All of the summits can see great things from him, and I can't wait to see what they are ~ PCON Aabs<br>
JC, always annoying but always active to the end. He has put out so many comps as ENV, BTL and now just a member of his BT. He works hard with others and is always asking for more to do. He had proven his share of great work and loyalty to his clan and i hope he continues to serves with us to the end. Congrats JC! <br>
HSK/QUA OP Silent<br>
No matter which name he goes by, Julius Caesar, Tolter, or just JC, it's not hard to follow this member's example of participation, activity, and leadership. Active both in competitions and IRC, JC is a member everyone can look to for help or just plain old fun. Well done. ~ Raken
Zanet Xox, 2006-09-05 22:00:00 UTC