Event Details

Event ID
Manji Keibatsu Sadow
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Syn Kaek
Primary reason

On behalf of DA Dalthid:<br> <br> For 1 year and 7 months KE Nekura Manji Keibatsu has been a member of the ACC staff, nay, more than a member...a "staple". His time has been spent in the Training realm of our platform, guiding the newer members and those who need to qualify with a superb effort that is barely measured by numbers. With over 130 Training and Qualification battles on record, the Epis has performed like a staunch professional. Rarely (in comparison) will an INI re-Qualify with the same Trainer, that is a situation found more in Training battles due to the comfort of having already engaged with a specific staff member. With that being the case, it is safe to say that Nekura is responsible for the Training and Qualification of over 100 members of the Centre (easily); 100 members of our club...100 individuals...that impresses me to no end. I can barely count the "staff greats" on two hands - and Nekura is one of them. Of those who are and who have been, the Epis can easily take his place amongst the best. His drive and willingness to instruct make him an asset to the Centre and to the Club as a whole. His dedication to his Clan is remarkable, that is not a secret to anyone, but the fact that he lends the same passion to his efforts in the ACC is amazing - especially when so many trade one for the other. His exceptional (and often thankless) dedication to this aspect of the Brotherhood and the selflessness by which he serves are traits that should exist in everyone who chooses a role of this kind and scope. As always, when honoring a member, there is no way to fully express my thanks or the respect I have for them and their efforts. Nevertheless, it is with the utmost appreciation that I recommend KE Nekura Manji Keibatsu for the Amethyst Kukri. <br> <br> ~DA Dalthid, Combat Master

Syn Kaek, 2006-09-10 22:00:00 UTC