Event Details

Event ID
Telona Murrage
Emerald Dagger
Requested by
Jac Cotelin
Primary reason

Telona has served admirably in many positions in the Brotherhood, most noteably as Krath High Priestess and Proconsul. I have to say, though, I've never appreciated her more than for her work as Dark Voice Tribune. Since the Dark Voice was re-built three years ago, I have personally struggled to balance working on the publication with my other duties. I was relied on for content and delivery, but with Telona, I have been able to step away completely. She has taken ownership over the publication and given it a fresh feel. Her ideas for the Member's Edition are excellent and will spur more activity and chances for people to have their work read. Her work in preparation of each DV makes the process mush easier. She has managed a capable staff and has helped them in delivering a fine product. I can't begin to relate how much I appreciate being able to delegate the Dark Voice fully. Telona is doing a wonderful job with it, and I thank her for that.<br> <br> - GM Jac Cotelin<br> <br> ------------------------------------------------------<br> <br> Telona has long been a member of Tarentum, and throughout her entire career with this Clan, has been a friend and mentor to many of its members. She began working in leadership as the Tetrarch of the Mystics before eventually becoming Quaestor of Gladius. it was only a matter of time before she would serve on the Clan Summit, and working with Welshman as his Proconsul, Telona served to continue her streak of mentoring and innovation. She cared for the Master/Apprentice system within the Clan, and was constantly working with Welshman on ideas to further the needs of the members, no matter what their rank. Telona worked to stay involved with the Clan as a whole, and was active both through emails and IRC, as a source of knowledge and communication. She has since departed the Clan to take care of personal and family needs, but she is one of those people who will always have a place within the Clan reserved specifically for her, and she will always have friends wherever Tarentum exists.<br> <br> Thank you for your attitude, hard work, and friendship to our Clan, Telona. Come home soon.<br> <br> -DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae

The sun is setting on over one and a half years of service to the Antei Combat Centre for Telona Murrage (2/2005 - 9/2006). As a Trainer, as a Judge and as an Operator she has held the hand of many an Initiate, decided the outcomes of numerous battles and performed the duties of her position with honor and an unwavering fairness and accuracy. There is a reason why she gets a million challenges a day - word gets around, and in Telona's case - the word is good. There are people who actually want to learn, not just 'get by', and from what I've seen, she's one of the main 'go to' Trainers - which does the whole of the Centre a great service. The Adept was also pivotal in the re-creation of the ACC Initiate's Course, bringing it up to date with the changes the Centre had seen since the course's inception. She was awarded a GC (2/2006) based, in part, on the SA contribution, but I felt compelled to mention its importance again. Courses get old and outdated, and in the case of the 'ever-changing' ACC, that fact is multiplied. It takes someone with a vision of something greater to jump in feet first and get it done, without prodding, and Telona has that vision for the whole of the Brotherhood. In addition, her role in the creation of the ACC's NPC Creatures was astounding. She personally developed ten individual character sheets for the ACC's ten creatures, measuring their bonuses and penalties to a system she helped create; creating a diversity and capability within the creatures, beyond mere numbers. We cannot say if they will be a huge hit, or merely float into obscurity - but that is why her contribution was so special. She didn't analyze it until it was put on a shelf in frustration - she drove into it headlong and gave the Centre a product that will, inevitably, put the ball in the court of the members. She gave us the best she had, many times over, and is the last of the Krath High Priests to be on the Centre's training staff. As I am hovering over this recommendation, I am seeing what is meant by "Exceptional services in the form of single projects or long-term leadership to a Clan or single Council office.". As the Centre's staff goes through its metamorphosis, yet again, I fear that we will not see any one else like her, we can hope, but not hold our breath. She is being moved to Magistrate, so not lost forever, but the impact of her loss will be felt. There isn't much I can do or say that will fully relate my thanks to her. We salute her for her dedication to the Brotherhood and the Centre and her continuing service, and ask that her departure from 'active training' be marked with the Emerald Dagger. ~DA Dalthid; 20061007

Jac Cotelin, 2006-09-27 22:00:00 UTC