Event Details

Event ID
Jaden Kyrath Dupar
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Over the past month since his last award, Jaden has contined to be active in the clan despite school starting back for him. He "left" right after the GJW, but not without taking in eleven Clusters of Fire from participating in a total of three events. Afterwards, he continued to be active in the gaming community by earning six more Clusters of Fire. He's also competed in several clan and house competitions, such as the Caption Contest and BT comps. While he didn't place, his participation matters much to the leaders of Plagueis.

He also ran a Dark Jedi Knight Ceremonies competition for the clan, as well as passed several Shadow Academy courses, two of which were on leadership. He's also on IRC a lot, although not as much now, but is still there more then many to talk and chat.

Jaden is a great member who always finds a way to do something to show that he cares ~ PCON Aabs

Zanet Xox, 2006-10-11 22:00:00 UTC