Event Details

Event ID
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Steel Cross
Requested by
Malisane Sadow
Primary reason

Following the recent Sadow Conclave comprising of the Clan and House Summit, Black Guard, Inner Order and Sons of Sadow, it was decided to reward DJK Ashia Kagan Keibatsu for her efforts on behalf of her Clan, House and Battleteam.<br> <br> Ashia became Tetrarch of the Jade Serpents in April and has since then been an active and dedicated Battleteam leader. Prior to her leadership, the team was nearly dead with almost no activity, however since then through competitions, regular messages and reports encouraging activity in her members and leading by example by being active herself both in day to day Clan competitions, IRC, email debates, and in the recent GJW, she now leads one of the most active Battleteams in the Clan.<br> <br> During the recent BTL competition, Ashia took part enthusiastically in all sections of this, and won three crescents for her efforts. In addition to this as one of the two most active members in this competition her Quaestor and myself were happy to ask her to remain as Tetrarch for a second term.<br> <br> Therefore both her Summit and the Conclave members above believe she more than deserves the Steel Cross.<br> <br> Malisane de Ath<br> Aedile of Ludo Kressh

Malisane Sadow, 2006-10-17 22:00:00 UTC