Event Details

Event ID
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Primary reason

What can be said about Adept Sanguinius Entar that I am almost positive would not be a repeat characterization of this man. First off, it is always an honor to bestow upon ones Master with an any type of accolade. Since his last recognition the Adept has been steadily adding to his repertoire of accomplishments.

As Aedile of House Marka Ragnos, Sanguinius co/org’d the HMR mini event It Came from Kar Alabrek. He organized four competitions and co/org’d three competitions into a two part mini event protecting HMR assets. An overall successful House event which drew in thirty seven total entries and nine unique participants to the event. To bolster additional gaming activity, the Elder and his Quaestor lead impromptu gaming sessions each week for all members to partake. He is truly adept (pun intended) within the Heroes of the Storm arena and is well sought after as a partner.

His leadership was called on for a second year in a row as a Captain for the Club wide Pro Bowl VI - Alliances event. He helped lead the Frog-Dogs to an excitingly narrow showdown between the two teams. Strengthening relations between six participating Clans and their members. His contributions included a sixth place finish and two fifth place finishes for the event.

When the Adept is not busy with leading us to victories, he stays pretty active within the Club. Over the last few months he has participated in forty-four competitions and thirty-one gaming activities. He has racked up a total of thirteen Crescents, two hundred fifty three Clusters of Fire, three hundred twenty four Clusters of Earth, six Clusters of Graphite, seventeen Scrolls of Foundation and finally eleven seals of Ascension.

Sang is always a voice that draws the attention and the respect of those around him. The dude is more than friendly and willing with our members. He wants to see the best from and by his fellow members. His attitude by and large is just the sort of thing that every member could want from a leader. He is a consonant soundboard and valued resource in mentoring myself as a new Consul. It does not stop there, because of his experience and the respect he garners, his council and mentorship is equally intertwined amongst all of Clan Summit.

From the halls of the Shadow Academy, Adept Sanguinius Entar is currently one of the longest tenured Professors assigned to that institution. Not only is he the longest tenured he has the record of having the most courses graded. Recently adding an additional forty six more courses graded to his grand total. Yet another facet of his leadership and reach within the Club, Adept Sanguinius encompasses qualities of a leader at all levels within the Club.

With everything this man has done over the past few months I can wholeheartedly say that is more than deserving of this prestigious award. Adept Sanguinius Entar it is with great pleasure to see you recognized and cannot thank you enough for your mentorship!

Warlord DarkHawk Sadow


Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2023-01-06 23:35:54 UTC
Additional reasons

Sanguinius is an awesome guy that is willing to help out where it is needed and tries to encourage others to participate. He has a lot of experience having been a former Consul and is also a good person to bounce ideas from when faced with trying to think of interesting competitions to set up. He is a good listener and even if it’s not DJB related, he will hear you out. I am more than happy to give my recommendation for his outstanding work and service to Naga Sadow. Congratulations Sang!

Warlord Tasha Vel’Versea Proconsul Clan Naga Sadow

Tasha'Vel Versea, 2022-12-31 20:04:10 UTC

I'm honored to be writing this recommendation for Sang. He has been a great asset as an Aedile and confidant in helping me run House Marka Ragnos.

As Aedile, Sang has helped me with virtually everything, from discussing future activities, to planning updates to the House infrastructure and lore. This is exemplified in the running of our recent event, It Came From Kar Alabrak!. In this event, Sang personally put together and ran four of the 11 competitions, and we worked together to run two other ones. He and I also spent several hours discussing the story and what types of competitions to include for all of the competitions of the event, to make it as appealing as we could for our members. Finally, Sang proofread my fiction, vetted the competitions I created, and assisted in judging.

As a result of his efforts, we had nine CNS members participate in this event (not counting the two of us), who produced a total of 39 competition entries, and as far as we can tell they enjoyed it.

Sang has also helped me promote gaming activity in the club; we have done a lot of gaming in Heroes of the Storm and Mario Kart on the weekends, and his efforts are reflected in the 31 gaming activities, 253 Clusters of Fire, and 324 of Earth that he has received since his last recognition.

I'm happy to be adding my recommendation for this award. Congrats, Sang!

Locke Sonjie
House Marka Ragnos Aedile

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2022-12-31 20:33:13 UTC

Sang is my busiest grader by a wide margin. Since his last recognition, he's taken care of 62 exams with average turnaround of only 4 hours. For comparison, the next fastest graders I have average 7 hours. In terms of raw efficiency, the man is such a machine that he's only beaten by dbb0t. That he maintains that level of performance while overseeing the Academy's largest and busiest human-graded department is impressive, to say the least.

Alethia Archenksova

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2023-01-05 16:30:38 UTC