Event Details

Event ID
Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna
Dark Cross
Requested by
Jaa Shif
Primary reason

Since the last recognition, Diyrian "Diy" Grivna (Zuj) has performed many activities with passion and dedication to the Arconan namesake as she is always present to provide feedback as well as support. She has made the following efforts to show her dedication to the House and Clan:

1 Amethyst Crescents, 3 Sapphire Crescents, 1 Emerald Crescents, 2 Topaz Crescents

With all of these Crescents earned, she has participated in 10 competitions since the last recognition on 08/01/22. Though the total number is small, she is always present outside of competitions to submit to gaming and multiple RP sessions. Zuj has earned 69 Clusters of Fire, 11 Clusters of Ice, 34 Clusters of Earth, and 2 Clusters of Graphite. She has earned 56,010 credits for Clan Arcona. She has participated in a total of 4 RP sessions since last recognition and other fiction activities, and amassed a total of 5,486 words written.

For the above and continued efforts of Zuj, I recommend a Dark Cross for her dedication and ever continued presence in the House and Clan.

Jael Valsi Chi’ra
Quaestor of House Galeres

Jaa Shif, 2023-01-11 21:45:36 UTC
Additional reasons

Diy has participated in every clan, house, and Battleteam event or RP since last award, repeatedly leading the house in activity and earning it's coveted artifact for several yearly quarters. Active on Discord too, especially during events, and of wonderful assistance in BT creation and leadership in general, she is a boon to the clan and club on multiple levels. The size of the award is hardly indicative of the amount of gratitude I have for the advice and ear as I settled back into leadership. Thank you and I look forward to more RP shenanigans!

-Socks, BTL:DMs

General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos, 2023-01-11 21:22:44 UTC