Event Details

Event ID
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Qyreia Arronen
Primary reason

Atty is a collector of sharp, stabby things in this club, and I am proud to be part of that illustrious tradition in supplying said stabbin' implements. As one of Arcona's longest standing old folks, it's often surprising to see her still kicking and rocking things like she does. Since her last recognition almost a year ago to the day, she's organized eleven competitions, co-organizing one, and participating in twenty seven. Those numbers look far more impressive when one looks at where those competitive efforts were spent: ninety two Clusters of Ice from over forty thousand words of fiction. This in addition to her seven Clusters of Graphite and six of Earth, assuredly some of which were earned in the sixteen GJW XV competitions she participated in as evidenced by her Seals of Ascension, which earned her one Gold and two Silver Novae.

For the last year (and beyond, but that goes past the covered period), Atyiru has been the Proconsul of Arcona, first for Rhylance as he closed out his tenure as Consul, and then for me when I took the seat. During that time, she has been the greatest asset a newcomer to higher Brotherhood leadership like me could have asked for. In Dark Summit matters, she is often the cautioning angel on my shoulder when I am present, and when I am not (which is frequent enough due to my real world job) she consistently speaks for me in line with my intent; a rare enough skill in just executing tasks, much less carrying on diplomacy. Among the nine documented roleplaying activities she's participated in, I am not sure there is one among them where she was not also running it in some capacity as DM or co-DM. This in addition to her active participation in each, as evidenced by her above word count. Further along the lines of generating content, she has worked with me to try and create a seamless transition into our current Clan fictional direction; a process that is still ongoing as we work through each of our own ideas and smash them together to try and make something as coherent as it is fun. This resulted in our major Clan event following GJW XV, where we introduced our latest (if minor) foe in the form of Chutil'ah the Hutt. This was followed up by taking the framework built for our inter-Clan event with Clan Odan-Urr and using her energy to brow-beat everyone into making the dream a reality.

Within our own Summit and with Arcona as a whole, she has been my hype-monger as much as she has with executing the day-to-day. She bolsters activity with constant reminders to the members, engaging them more often than I possibly could, and keeps attentions focused where they must. In so doing, she has helped me to foster an increasingly far-reaching planning horizon for Arcona and its Houses, begrudgingly working through calendars and touchpoints with our House and Battleteam Leaders.

In the last year, I've added much to this one's plate. So to Atty, thank you for being such a great influence on me, Arcona, and the Brotherhood. This place wouldn't be the same without you. Keep up the great work and I may even let you retire someday. Until then, once again, thank you.

Qyreia Arronen, 2023-01-10 21:20:55 UTC
Additional reasons

As a member of the DJB Story Group, Atty played a key role in developing the plot of GJW XV and in editing every fiction released as part of the vendetta. She caught typos, suggested plot adjustments, and helped rework sections for readability, easily spending several hours discussing, reading, and editing over the course of the GJW, including its intro and aftermath. She was very active in Discord discussions and helped to keep the group focused (as opposed to just making Raptorstrike jokes, like some of us). She also helped brainstorm the fictional basis for the DJB's transition away from the "Dark" moniker.

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-01-10 23:32:35 UTC