Event Details

Event ID
General Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
Old Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Lord Evio Nezsa
Primary reason

Socorra has held a lot of roles over the years in the DJB, many in Clan leadership or in support of the community and members, on the Dark Council, and in supporting me as Grand Master most recently. To speak only of the work she's done alongside me last year as my Praetor she has helped push projects forward and take on some tasks from me to see them to completion, the biggest of these being moving our emails forward a couple decades. For all her participation and contribution as a member, her time on the DC and as a leader and now project manager, I looked over her record and think she belongs as an Elder. Congratulations Socorra on your promotion.

Lord Evio Nezsa,
Additional reasons

Socks currently has one of the toughest jobs in the club: trying to keep me and Evant focused long enough to actually get anything done. As P:GM she took the reins on the email revamp project and helped James move it from concept to (ongoing) implementation. She put her project management chops to good use as Herald and she's been doing it again for the last several months. I think she's more than earned this promotion with all of her hard work and dedication. Congratulations!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-01-14 20:30:11 UTC

Since her last promotion to EQ4 in 2015 and through her club hiatus, Socorra was a creator and competitor alike. She organized 35 competitions and co-organized 5. Against that, she stacked as a competitor 289 non-container competitions (323 if you count the containers). Of these she placed in 67 as evidenced by her collection of Crescents, 7 of that number being Novae from the 29 GJW XV participations as evidenced by her Seals of Ascension. The numbers really stack up in her fiction count: just shy of 79,000 words of fiction across 37 activities, earning 170 Clusters of Ice to go with it. The next largest collection unsurprisingly comes from her 172 Clusters of Graphite. This she follows up with 58 Clusters of Fire and 103 Clusters of Earth. She tops these off with 1 Scroll of the Master and 2 Seals of Loyalty.

The 5 months of her year-long stint as Herald of the Brotherhood were before my time, if only by a matter of months, so I will let those more knowledgeable speak to that. As a Battleteam Leader in Arcona since her return, she has made that return with gusto, standing up an entirely new Battleteam — the Dajorran Marshals — and running her members through at least 2 dedicated RP events, for which at least one had its own map that Socorra brought in for the occasion. She is an active presence in the Clan and club, and this promotion is well deserved

Qyreia Arronen, 2023-01-16 20:38:18 UTC

Socorra is one who shows the value of being a leader, especially one of legacy as she has returned from the Rogues and immediately dove deep into not only being the P:GM, but also has taken to running a Battleteam (Dajorran Marshals) and mentor other members. She has mentored Nicfer Luthol to Knighthood and has pushed for her BT members to excel. Socorra has jumped to the support of myself as an Aedile and Quaestor as she has helped with running two events for the House. She provides input and feedback to help facilitate a healthy House and to stimulate growth between both the House and Battleteam. Socorra has run 2 full RP sessions which has facilitated more activity from her BT membership. These activities have provided additions to the member’s merit awards recently granted. She maintains a very thoughtful presence to assure that members are participating and getting their dues. This is even more apparent after her work on the XP system to reach every member of the DB. This does not even touch upon the history she has in previous positions such as being the Herald. She is definitely a dedicated member and has earned her right to promotion. For all that she has offered and given, this promotion is the only right choice and award to bestow.

Jael Valsi Chi’ra
Quaestor of Galeres

Vorran Shadowfeather, 2023-01-17 04:29:10 UTC

It is difficult to put succulently the ways in which Socks, Socorra, has earned this title. Truth be told, I'm hardly the one for the job; her career has spanned longer than I have even been a member of the Brotherhood, serving as a leader in Arcona from Battleteam Leader to Aedile to Quaestor and executive officer -- yeah, back when those were used -- all the way up to the Herald of the Brotherhood under the reign of Grand Master Darth Pravus. In that time, she built up the fundamentals of the Warbanners project as we know it today that is further developing, revamped all sorts of graphics and systems for member requests and forms for the Herald office, released those ye olde Herald Hanukahs, managed her office and turned visions into reality for not only the Brotherhood as a whole but many individual members...and in her Clan, she was a driving force of activity and development for House Qel-Droma, the Shadesworn, and many other projects, leading by example through Wars, Rites, and the Dark Crusade, which she eventually worked on ribbon cases for.

If I speak generally, it is because Socks has done so much, and it goes so far back. Since her return she's had that same all-in spirit, wearing hats both in Clan leadership and as Evant's right hand, as the others will tell you. I will take this moment to express a sentiment that I can best speak to: Socks, though it may have never been said, you were a legend of your -- our -- time. When I joined in 2013, the DB was a good place...but it had areas where it was wrong. As a brand new and young female member at a time when being such a thing wasn't particularly welcome, and many of the female members spoken of around me were not spoken of well, you were an example of what could be: respected, driven, entrusted to leadership, a beacon of female power on a stage that had much growing to do. I'm happy to say that in my DB lifetime, we've progressed so very much in that regard, and those are mostly unpleasant memories, but know that if I hadn't seen what you -- and other women in our Clan and Brotherhood -- could be, I might not have myself thought I could do it too. You made the world wider. Personally, and as evidenced by these recommendations and your body of work, professionally.

Thank you, and welcome.

Atyiru Caesura Entar Arconae

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2023-01-18 15:33:22 UTC