Gwowk has been spreading memes and making us laugh for some time now. He comes around for our Community Events and pops in on occasion to contribute to our more lighthearted Clan discussions. Since his last promotion he has earned 2 Dark Crosses and participated in 27 competitions. For his gaming activities, he earned 16 Clusters of Fire and 72 CLusters of Earth. Hes earned 1 Cluster of Ice for his 564 words of fiction. He has also earned himself 1 Seal of Enmity and 3 Seals of Ascention for his contributions during the last two Club-wide events.
For all of this, Gwowk has reached the required 1450 XP.
Thank you for sticking around as long as you have. Congratulations on your promotion to JM 3!
Revak K’Urr
Consul, Clan Odan-Urr
Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2023-01-19 01:04:48 UTC