Event Details

Event ID
Adept Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
Old Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae is a member that this club should consider itself absolutely lucky to have on our rolls. The fact that she carries the Tarentae Clan name to this day while still being one of our most active members screams just how much of a positive and contributing member she has been. Her first home may have been closed, but she soldiered on to be the sort of member that absolutely brings the most upbeat energy to every interaction she has with our members. She is a joy to have served with, and she has helped make Plagueis a better place for her presence in it ever since she arrived.

She has spent just over four years as part of the Ascendant Clan, and she spent just over three and a half of those years serving the Plagueis Summit in various capacities. She has held the post of Aedile, Quaestor on two separate occasions, and as the Clan Rollmaster. In that time, she published 33 unit reports and news updates, maintaining a level of consistency in keeping her membership informed that few manage in leadership tenures measured as fractions of what she completed. I will quote from her Ruby Scepter recommendation to put the effort she brought to the table as a leader: "Not only does she have a welcome letter ready for every new member, but she goes out of her way to PM them, link them to guides and SA exams, set them up with a master if they’re interested, and check in if she doesn’t hear anything from them. Whenever she is on Telegram, she is positive, bubbly, and friendly. She spearheaded the contact campaign during the latest Great Jedi War, leading the way in reaching out to members to ensure that they felt good about their entries. Tahiri is an incredible adviser, mentor, and friend, and I trust her on a number of subjects as it pertains to the health and productivity of the clan." All leaders should endeavor to do as well. She also provided service to the ACC staff as a judge, recommendations and dossier notes mentioning the matches she judged as well as the "rule of two" support she gave. Tahiri has always been one to put the member experience first at every turn. The absolute definition of the best type of leader this club has seen.

As an activity powerhouse, I would feel comfortable putting Tahiri's numbers against just about anyone else in the club in the time since she has joined. She has not only passed the 1,000 competition mark, she has absolutely obliterated it while submitting entries to a staggering 1,279 competitions in her career. Even in an elder promotion recommendation, reaching nearly thirteen-hundred competitions makes a Consul sit up and take notice. To put that amount of activity into some sort of perspective, she has contributed 3,640,320 credits to the Clan Plagueis coffers alone (with an additional 700 thousand to Tarentum). Tahiri has, quite literally, provided an entire Corellian Corvette worth of activity to Clan Plaguies. It is, I hazard a guess, a claim that very few can make in ANY clan. Thirty-one thousand words of fiction, 382 crescents, 76 Vendetta seals, 68 Shadow Academy Courses, nearly 1,300 gaming crescents, a Ruby Scepter, a Sapphire Blade, ten other merit awards, and (I'm assuming) a partridge in a pear tree in there somewhere. Tahiri's level of activity for sure amounts to a full three Oh Damns. Some people might not be paying attention, but Tahiri makes powerhouses jealous of her activity. The fact that she continues to bring it at such a level for as long as she has is, frankly, amazing. Some might not always see it, but she is one of the most impressive members I have seen in my 25 years in the game.

I consider myself very lucky to have had Tahiri in the fold, especially since I returned to the Consul seat in Plagueis. She has always been a positive force in the clan, both in personality and in absolute domination on the activity board. She embodies exactly what we want the role of Elder to be. A dedicated member who makes the Brotherhood a better place for her presence in it. My congratulations, Tahiri, and my thanks.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2023-01-27 03:05:49 UTC