Event Details

Event ID
Malisane Sadow
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

On behalf of the conclave of Naga Sadow:<br><br> Malisane de Ath has continuously worked hard as my Aedile. He helped me sorting out results of competitions and giving me advice me with the results of those. He checked the roster on a regular base for promotions (more regular than I ever did) and helped me with the recommendations for any medals. He grew more and more into a self-independent person in those 6 months as my Aedile, easily picking out the jobs that are part of his position as an Aedile, but also part of the fact that he might step up as Quaestor one day. He is also a very stable Aedile, showing great consistency, being a great asset to the clan. He worked for about 6 months without ever asking for a reward (besides the usual begging of being promoted to a Dark Jedi Master ;) ). For those long months of hard work, he deserves the Steel Cross.<br><br><br> <br> Congratulations,<br><br> <br> Krath Archpriestess Sildrin Sadow<br> <br> <br> ***<br> <br> This was originally just going to be sent by Sildrin, but upon her appointment to Seneschal it was felt appropriate for someone else to do it, namely me. I'm not going to add much to this, other than to mention that Malisane is a man of character. In fact the DB needs more Malisanes, and less jackasses. He is calm, mature, and I predict he will be a great Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh.<br> <br> Dark Adept Manesh Sadow<br> Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Manesh, 2006-11-01 23:00:00 UTC