Corsair Zuza Lottson has reached the required 11533 Medal XP to earn their first Amethyst Kukri!
Zuza is one of our powerhouse members, and XP or not, this is a well-deserved award. In a little over two years, she slammed out well over two hundred competitions, took on Clan-level leadership as Rollmaster, transitioned to continue the job as a Battleteam Leader directly under the Clan, and all while being a constant presence in the Brotherhood Telegram and now Discord server. Speaking on stats and projects might belabor points already covered in other recent awards and promotions, so I will boil it down to a simple truth: Zuza is a pleasure to have in the Brotherhood and in Arcona. She is a hard worker, active member, and this award is much deserved. Thank you, Zuzer, for all that you do.
Qyreia Arronen
Consul, Clan Arcona
Qyreia Arronen, 2023-02-03 12:15:10 UTC