Event Details

Event ID
Scout Nicfer Luthol
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

Nicfer, or Anathor, is a rare gem and guaranteed smile any time he speaks up. We are as happy for his continued and growing presence as we are for his continued activity, both in competitions, RPs, and most recently some serious studying to be Professor Dog. In his efforts, Knight Nicfer Luthol has reached the required 5000 XP to reach the rank of Mystic, and we're pleased to congratuwulation him on as much and welcome him to the Equite ranks.

Thanks for sticking with us, and know that you are always welcome home here, even if gone away for awhile. Good work, Niccy!

Proconsul, Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2023-02-05 20:28:58 UTC
Additional reasons

Athanor -- who happens to play the part of Nicfer Luthol on the holovision drama series: Arcona Island -- has been one of the many bright stars to break out onto the acting scene. And by acting scene, I mean Roleplaying activities!

(It's just nicfer, though. No stage names, no Niccy or Nic or Niciffer. She has shut down all of Zigs attempts at giving her a nickname and we respect that here...mostly she will still try)

Beyond being a participant, and not being on Exarch staff, Nicfer has been great with offering direct feedback to me in DM and offering suggestions for how we can grow and improve the RP experience for the Brotherhood. An example of this is helping give me the idea for having dbb0t round up the open/active RPs once a week so people could find them more easily.

Beyond adapting and getting used to Roleplaying in the Brotherhood's sandbox, Athanor has been a whirlwind of activity and determination when it comes to Shadow Academy. I'm not sure what Arch is putting in the water- but clearly it is working. He's also managed to point out errors he's found in documentation and reported it to be fixed, a boon to the Shadow Academy staff for sure.

Equite 1 is not something that is earned lightly by anyone who just walks in off the street. It's not easy. It requires sticking it out past our "checklist" stage and coming into your own as a member of this club.

As a mentor and friend, it's been fun to watch Athanor get more comfortable with Clan Arcona, and by extension the Brotherhood as a whole. I really hope he continues to keep up the great work in being an active and model member that we can only hope all of our new recruits can strive towards replicating. He is walking proof that if you keep working, are not afraid to fall, get up, and try again...you can go beyond your limits to be Plus Ultra!

Congratulations on this promotion, Athanor. Very excited and hopeful of what comes next :).

-W Exarch of the Brotherhood

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2023-02-05 19:09:30 UTC