Event Details

Event ID
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Adept DarkHawk Sadow
Primary reason

Twenty two July, 2010 a date that has haunted me since I moved into Clan leadership. Augur Ashia Keagan Keibatsu knows that date just as well. My intent is to hopefully correct that date with a new deserving one for the Augur to gaze upon.

Over the years she has worn many hats, filling top level positions within the Club. Her inherent ability to lead makes her a viable member of any team. Never afraid to tackle those harrowing taskers when they arise, her demeanor and willingness to help others never falters. At every opportunity she has looked for a chance to give back creating positive impacts towards the experience of other members. All this in addition to stepping up as a leader multiple times within the Clan and helped provide a better experience for CNS members.

What I can do is to attest to what I have seen as a member and of course what I have observed. There are some things that are easy to look at. For example there are some hard stats that one can look at. I mean, you know the things like: From early in her leadership career, she has put together both inner and joint Clan events. Bolstering Clan development with events such as CNS: Encounter at Citadel, Rebels and Ruins: A Clan Naga Sadow Event. Ashia also sought out strengthening relations between Clans with a CNS/PLA event CNS-PLA Operation: Antiquity. All total Ashia Co/Organized 32 competitions, 146 total comps she participated in and 26 total fiction activities. Of those 26 fiction activities, she has generated some 15992 words of fiction, with another 3210 words spread between 4 RO posts.

The things she accomplished behind the scenes are the ones that stick out to me. She developed & guided my character through a multiple week story arc. Furthering my literary skills and broadening my character’s development. I also can not forget that she was and continues to be a constant soundboard and mentor. This is but a small sampling of her influence within the Clan. Ashia always made time for counsel, it would be fitting to say she is synonymous with leadership. Her endless willingness to help others is part of reason why she was bestowed with the title Daughter of Sadow.

The thing about it is that Ashia is worth more than the sum of her accolades. One does not always have the pleasure to find members with as much time invested towards bettering our devowed Club and she has never asked for anything in return.

Looking at the depth of Ashia's accolades, it directly equates to the length of time she has devoted in supporting our Club. Of all the things that Ashia has done during her time here, I feel that she has more than earned some recognition. She has earned an impressive number of awards over her tenure. Those awards include, two Sapphire Blades, one Dark Cross, four Gold Nova’s and two Bronze Nova’s. She has also earned twenty-nine Crescents, eighty-eight Clusters, one Scroll of the Master, one Legion of the Scholar and finally seventy-one Seals from throughout the Club.

From Battleteam Leader through Proconsul, Magistrate to both the Voice and the Grand Master. Close to a decade of leadership positions alone makes her skills as a leader sought after throughout the Club.

This recognition is more than overdo, and I hope that even though it took us a long time to highlight Augur Keibatsu’s achievements, know that your contributions to the Clan do not go unnoticed or without gratitude.

Well done, Ma’am. Tonight your drinks will be on me. Congratulations on your promotion!

Warlord DarkHawk Sadow


Adept DarkHawk Sadow, 2023-02-17 21:57:32 UTC
Additional reasons

Ashia is one of those folks for whom I do not feel her contributions have always been adequately covered. This deficiency, in part, certainly falls into my lap. At a time when I was a green-behind-the-ears Consul, Ashia offered her insight. She brought years of experience and a focus that I failed to appreciate in the earliest days as I should have. She brought a starry-eyed clan head to a realistic level, she pushed events and developments along, was almost always cool-headed. Honestly, there were times that even despite how uneven early-Consul Bentre could be that she was a rudder and an anchor for the Clan.

She also stayed in the position of Proconsul for months beyond what she had initially promised. She gave more than a solid start for this former Consul. She gave above and beyond in the position of Proconsul. I know she continues to give advice to myself and others who ask it. I know she has been a personal friend to me and to others.

Looking at the other Elders in the club and in Clan Naga Sadow, I see a member who has long-embodied the earmarks of an Elder. If anything, it is on my head that we didn't get her contributions recognized sooner. Even as real life rears its ugly head, Ashia even now is more than a friend to many of us, and her care for the Clan and the people in it is very evident to many of us. I gladly join my voice in support of seeing Ashia join the ranks of Elder.

It is far too long in coming, and I hope that we can begin to set the record to right.

Congratulations, Ashia. You are deeply appreciated and this is well-earned. No small part of our successes were in part due to Ashia's support. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

Bentre Stahoes Consul Emeritus

Master Bentre Stahoes, 2023-02-14 20:15:49 UTC

It's been more than ten years since Ashia Kagan Keibatsu has been promoted. In that time, she has served as top-level leadership in three units and has put in often overlooked work as Magistrate to both the Grand Master and the Voice. She'd been in the thick of just about every project to come through the DC during my time as GM, and has had the daunting task of editing/clarifying/correcting my work for the entire time I was in that role.

While I was GM, I was anxious to be thought of as biased in rewarding her, or that my being the one to put her forth for appropriate rewards would cause people to downplay her very real contributions to this club. This resulted in a massive blind spot as to her official recognition, and a grave sin that I hope to help correct today.

Some of her accomplishments include:

• Advised and helped streamline the 2010 version of the Character sheets, helping to drive the program to be more inclusive and less ACC-centric. Character sheets and the Brotherhood have a pretty complicated history, and her efforts to codify deliberately non-combat skills into the mix were a big step in that direction.

•Served as 'chief editor' for plot fictions under Vodo as Voice, helping to make sure that the fictions between events went off without a hitch, incorporated the clans well, and helped drive hype for major events.

•Helped to brainstorm and refine the planning and automation of societies via the return of the GMRG. This twelve rank structure with considerations toward full automation is in use today across almost every society.

•Ashia's promotion guidelines for journeymen were adopted clubwide under MAA Kaek and modified very little when parsed into the automated Promotheus program. Prior to this, the promotion guidelines were a mixture of disparate requirements that varied from unit to unit, causing no small amount of confusion between the new members, the clan summits and the Master at Arms.

•Helped me crunch numbers for six years, tallying and quantifying things like total knighthoods, leadership reports, competitions ran and even run-on posts made for each and every clan. This was as tedious as it was necessary as it helped myself and the DC understand the current states of the Brotherhood as well as where we needed to focus to get things better for our members. Almost all of this is automated in our current iteration of the site, so we are quite spoiled by having these things at a button press now, but this once was a tedious task.

In her career in the club, she has been an invaluable advisor for myself as well as Sarin. She's served in top-level leadership roles in Naga Sadow, Revan and Taldryan, and has left indelible marks on the club in many areas across the entire club. It is my sincere hope that she be recognized for what she has done for the brotherhood, and raise her up as an elder.

Lord Muz Ashen Keibatsu, 2023-02-14 22:03:04 UTC

I'm honored to be writing this recommendation for Ashia. She has a long list of accomplishments since her last promotion, and other recommendations have talked about those, so I want to focus on my personal experiences more recently.

I really enjoyed working with Ashia when she was last on Summit as Proconsul. She brought good ideas to the table and also tried to keep us all on task and focused. As I recall, Ashia didn't let things go for too long and she was tactfully able to help steer the clan in the right direction even when things could get off course. In addition, she has always been someone you could talk to if you were not sure about something or needed to vent, and she'd listen, but also offer constructive advise.

It's great to have someone like that around in CNS. Not to mention all of her activity and other leadership roles since her last promotion. I'm glad I got to add my own words to this recommendation.

Congratulations, Ashia!

Locke Sonjie
Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2023-02-16 01:59:27 UTC

Ashia was one of the first people I met when I joined Naga Sadow and that I have come to call a friend over my time here in the DJB. She always worked a lot behind the scenes, which unfortunately doesn't usually get noticed by others so much. For me personally, she is more like a mother to me as during some difficult times in my life, she was always there to listen to me and offer suggestions on how to deal and tackle some RL struggles. I know that out of anyone here in Naga Sadow, she deserves to be made an Elder for her work, dedication, and sometimes sacrifice of time to help make Naga Sadow what it is now. I am honored to lend my support for this promotion. Thank you Ashia for everything you have done for this clan and for me,

~Tasha'Vel Versea, Proconsul of Naga Sadow

Tasha'Vel Versea, 2023-02-17 18:47:10 UTC