Event Details

Event ID
Vexer Thrace
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

During the month of October this member has been on of the active forces within the House, participating in no less than 15 competitions, and garnering herself 12 crescents ranging from Quartz to Sapphire. <br> <br> She has also fought in seven ACC fights, taken 4 SA courses and has also been training under her Battleteam Leader for possible leadership one day. I would also like to point out that even though she has <br> not received a reward for her actions in almost 2 months she has yet to faulter in her activity. I applaud her for her work within the House. <br> <br> OP Daniel Stephens, Aedile<br> <br> I am remiss that this great House member has been overlooked for two whole months of service and activity! Her level of achievement is amazing in not only the volume of participation, but its quality.<br> <br> The HSK Aedile, Daniel Stephens has already illuminated the specific details of Vexer's contributions and merits for this award. I'd just like to add that Vexer has also been one of the few members to stay in good contact with myself via email as well as her BTL. It's nice to see someone enjoying themselves so much while helping her House at the same time!<br> <br> ~Raken QUA, HSK<br> <br> Through my tenure as a BTL, Vexer has proven to be my most active member by far. As the QUA and AED have already specified, she has participated amazingly. However, she has participated in every BT competition I have made, at times the only entry, and always first place. Not only this, she has given me advice and help on many projects. If I could hand-pick the next leader of this great team, it would <br> be Vexer.<br> <br> Kaliidrad Vorrac

Raken, 2006-11-09 23:00:00 UTC