A few months ago, XP was rolled out and there was much rejoicing. We made a lot of members whole because of the body of work they'd done over the years and the deficit of awards. People who had struggled to get a Grand Cross or a Sapphire Blade were handed these out en masse; and it was good.
Then the period of periodic reviews began and we looked at people and said 'they've done a lot, let's give them a few Grand Crosses' and again...it was good.
Then I looked at Reiden and I said; this is not good. There can be no truncation of his contributions. A half dozen Grand Crosses and Sapphire Blades would not be enough. It had to be a Ruby Scepter; and this was good.
The objective of rolling out XP was to ensure that we looked at the whole of a member's contributions to the organization. We've awarded Reiden over the quarters and we've spoken about what he's done at each time. Most reviewed character sheets or accepting new responsibilities. His status as puzzle master is legendary and few, nay near none, will beat him when he applies himself.
But, we haven't talked about the impact of who Reiden is and what he does. I would wager that nearly all members since Reiden has become Magistrate of the Voice have had their Character Sheets improved based upon Reiden's feedback. This would be good, but Reiden does better. He consults with people, offers suggestions, provides facts to help them create the character they want to play.
Reiden is like the living database for the club. He remembers story arcs for individuals characters from years ago. I know, personally, it's a joyous feeling when he recalls something I wrote years ago. Imagine how that makes newer members feel?
When you look at the requirements for this award it speaks of 'extreme dedication'. Who amongst us is more dedication to the members of this club than Reiden?
I have had a great privledge awarding Reiden over the last few years and I look forward to doing more. He'll be a Master in no time!
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz,