Event Details

Event ID
Du Maurier d'Tana
Steel Cross
Requested by
Primary reason

Since rejoining Galeres, Lucius has been a big contender in ICTE and gaming nights and has taken the time, above and beyond what is required of him, to teach some of the new members how to play JA. He has also taken the role of House Galeres Aedile and is doing an outstanding job with it. He has tons of ideas, he is always available if I need him and he never says no to a project that is in his realm of abilities.<br> <br> 09/27 CF x 6<br> 09/28 CF x 2<br> 10/03 Legion of the Scholar – 2nd place - #tarentum Trivia – 09/30<br> 10/08 CF x 9<br> 10/09 Resigned from ICTE Tribune<br> 10/13 CF x 2<br> 10/16 CF x 1<br> 10/20 Submitted to competition - Essence of your character<br> 10/20 Appointed Aedile of House Galeres<br> 10/20 CF x 4<br> 10/23 CF x 16<br> 10/29 CF x 12<br> 11/05 CF x 6<br> 11/11 CF<br> 11/19 CF x 11<br> 11/23 CF x 10<br> 11/24 CF x 3<br> 11/26 CF x 17<br> 11/28 Started competition – Colours<br> 11/28 Started Competition - Galeres CF War<br> <br> Thank you Lucius, for always being there when I need support. I’ve always been able to count on you, first as Soulfire’s BTL and now as your Quaestor. I hope this small token of appreciation will let you know your work doesn’t go unnoticed. Congratulations.<br> <br> ~Selene d'Tana

, 2006-12-01 23:00:00 UTC