Event Details

Event ID
Dr. Bril Teg Arga Erinos
Old Rank
Journeyman 2
New Rank
Journeyman 3
Requested by
Nora Olen
Primary reason

Acolyte Bril Teg Arga keeps making headway up the Brotherhood's ranks, earning this promotion with ease after accumulating the necessary 1450 XP. He has served House Ventress and Clan Plagueis honorably for fifteen days now, and today is his fifteenth day as an Acolyte. He has taken part in 17 different tournaments within those brief two weeks, along with submitting 9 gaming activities, earning 84 Clusters of Earth. Additionally, he has been performing exceptionally well in the Societies, surpassing Rank 2 in the Grand Master's Royal Guard, Rank 1 in the Shroud Syndicate, and Rank 4 in the Shadow Academy. He has earned both a Dark Cross and an Anteian Cross during his time as an Acolyte for all of these accomplishments and more.

Even though he keeps himself occupied with all of this work, Bril is frequently active in the Clan discussion on the Brotherhood Discord. He is a notable Clan member, and if he keeps up this kind of dedication, I can only predict greatness for him in the future. This advancement has been earned and richly deserved. Bril, congratulations.

Nora Olen, 2023-04-24 22:38:38 UTC