Event Details

Event ID
Dr. Bril Teg Arga Erinos
Old Rank
Journeyman 3
New Rank
Journeyman 4
Requested by
Nora Olen
Primary reason

Hunter Bril Teg Arga has assimilated into Clan Plagueis and the Brotherhood at large without delay. He has continually received accolades and advancements that have paved the path for him, demonstrating his worth as a major player and important asset in such a short period of time. Only 8 days have passed since Bril was promoted to Hunter and 25 days have passed since he joined the Brotherhood as a whole, yet already has the recognition and 2500 XP needed to reach Knighthood. He received a Steel Cross since his prior promotion, bringing his total number of merit awards to three. Bril assisted his Clan in winning the most recent Plagueis vs. Taldryan Feud, which he also participated in, earning him 4 different Crescents (2 Ruby, 1 Emerald, and 1 Topaz). Additionally, he has received 3 Clusters of Graphite and 59 Clusters of Earth.

But Bril has also demonstrated that he intends to go beyond simply participating. Bril has a passion for learning and has successfully completed 51 courses to earn 5 degrees. Bril has undeniably shown that he has what it takes to become a Knight by showing a desire to be a prominent, active member of the Brotherhood and a never-give-up mentality. I am sure he has what it takes to have a positive effect on the club as a whole, thus I am secure in making my recommendation. Knight Bril Teg Arga, congrats on your promotion and keep reaching for the stars.

Nora Olen, 2023-05-03 02:13:57 UTC