Apprentice Inquisitor Dukwtape has reached the required 2500 XP to reach the rank of Journeyman 4.
It's a glorious first Friday and I have the wonderful pleasure of promoting my first apprentice to Knight! This has been an amazing journey and so true of many of our members where real-life circumstances change and our level of engagement shifts but it's always the community that brings them back!
Duk, the eldest of several Scholae Palatinae members, has quickly caught back up to them and I am confident will overtake them. It's clear he's an elder (child, not yet rank) in how he approach them and other situations. I've found his mature outlook insightful as I observe the clan's personality.
With this Apprentice you're free to chart your own course...though I am confident that course will be to eventually bring me down! Congratulations, Duk!
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2023-05-18 14:39:34 UTC