Event Details

Event ID
Quaestrix Sivall Tenbriss Ya-ir Zoria
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
Requested by
Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir
Primary reason

It has been one hundred and twenty four days since Siv, or Tor, joined our little DB family. In that time, each one, every single one hundred and twenty four days, has been a better and brighter day for her being in it. Even when she doesn't think she's doing enough, or doing good, or deserving of such praises, that truth remains. Her appreciation and attention remind us all why we do our jobs, and we're immeasurably grateful for that care.

And if perhaps sentiments are hard to believe, despite the fact that worth isn't dependent on numbers (ma'am.), they're certainly harder to argue with. So allow me to take some time to review her activity. Since her Knighting two months ago, Sivall has participated in 20 competitions, placing in solidly half of them. This has earned her a Crescent with Diamond Star, two Crescents with Amethyst Stars, three Crescents with Sapphire Stars, a Crescent with Emerald Star, a Crescent with Topaz Star, and two Crescents with Quartz Stars. These have included twelve gaming activities and twelve fiction activities, including some gorgeous Roleplays with her fellow Brethren, in which she's earned 141 Clusters of Earth, 7 Clusters of Graphite, and 55 Clusters of Ice for over 27,500 written words. She's also passed mine Shadow Academy courses and gained a degree in Lore while advancing to her fourth rank in the Aurora Collegium. Finally, Siv has not only been awarded medals all the way up to a Grand Cross for her efforts, but was notably awarded a Seal of Loyalty on May the Fourth for our annual celebrations, an award chosen for those it is felt most embody the spirit of the Clan and loyalty and service to the Brotherhood.

In short, this promotion is well-deserved. We speak here today not to convince anyone else of this -- as her XP speaks for itself -- but to convince you, Snickerdoodle. Welcome to the Equites, and welcome knowing you are worth it and so much more.

Proconsul, Clan Arcona

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2023-06-24 18:01:44 UTC
Additional reasons

"Imported Blueberries cause no serious injury or threat."

Whoever wrote that was not wrong, but they did not know that a transplanted blueberry would end up destined to annihilate in activity and embrace her community with an iron hug. No, truly Sivall is a wonderful person to get to know and we are so glad that she decided to enter our little corner of the galaxy. She is open and welcoming to talk to, supportive to her peers in all manner of things whether brotherhood-related hyping and collaboration or real-life matters, and more. Sivall is a frequent sight in the roleplaying community, participating in both djb wide rps and collaborating in more private stories. A couple of those she had even hosted herself as the DM!

Recently, Sivall went in on threading connections with her clanmates' stories for a solo fiction competition, turning some easily non-canon one-off tale into an unexpected group event that will surely open up doors for even further development in the future. She has also participated in a graphics competition and has been further proving that quote above wrong with her bundles of gaming activity, mostly done in the well-known Cards Against Humanity. ;P

I could go on about how much Sivall has added not only to Arcona but the Brotherhood with her presence. With the above character and actions alone, I support the promotion of Zosi'val'ria to Mystic, Equite 1. May your journey continue through the stars and the shadows guide your healing hand.

Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna, 2023-06-24 03:53:52 UTC

Call it fluff, or call it a note on her character (as a person, not the character Siv... you get it), but Sival has been a much needed burst of energy. No, not for the Club or for Arcona or even her House or Battleteam. I'm talking about me as a leader. Because she has come into the DJB and Arcona swinging like a damn Besalisk (even though she's a Chiss and has only two arms... at least I think she only has two arms). She is energetic, eager, and ready to rock a fiction, RP, or just read any and all of these just because she can (and sometimes when she should be sleeping instead, but we try not to judge).

Siv screamed through to Knighthood within about two months and never lost steam. So while rank-ups are largely XP driven, it's always still worth pointing out a member's potential, and she's got it. She hasn't tackled leadership yet, but that's always on the horizon and an eventual availability. Instead she guides through mere presence, much like her Master, Zuji, so that even without a formal leadership position she still has a positive impact on those around her.

So for Sival, welcome to the Equite ranks. The expectations are higher, but the rewards are greater, and I have few doubts on your ability to carry through.

Qyreia Arronen
Consul, Clan Arcona

Qyreia Arronen, 2023-06-24 16:06:15 UTC