Event Details

Event ID
RevengeX Palpatine
Steel Cross
Requested by
Braecen Kaeth
Primary reason

RevengeX Palpatinae has been a boon to the traditionally Krath House of Acclivis Draco, during its rebuilding as a Multi-Order House. He has served a multitude of positions within the House to serve it better: Battleteam Leader, House Envoy, Roll Master and Quaestor. Through this time he has been a leader by example - participating, reporting and mentoring - and has been a stellar Role Model.<br> <br> Recently he competed in the five week House Feud between the Clan's Houses. RevengeX has participated in 8 events, 13 competitions, collecting 9 crescents and 61 Clusters of Fire and accruing 26 points for his House. This level of devotion inspired his fellow House members and rallied a great amount of support throughout his element. Additionally, he pressed the strong, writing group to 100 posts in their House Run-On... in which he posted over 10 times - each post a quality contribution to the story arc.<br> <br> But a role model is not forged by activity alone. He has bi-weekly delivered outstanding reports, worked on a myriad of projects designed to develop his house's fictional backing (Project: Antenora In-Depth, Project: House History, Project: Clan History), delivers bi-weekly activity reports (No details lacking, all activity accounted for by HAD Members) and always has a fresh perspective on new and old ideas. He does all of this beyond the multiple duties attributed to any active Quaestor.<br> <br> Last, but not least, I have seen him act a primary source of direction and mentorship within House and Clan. He always has that extra moment to talk with a member or work through a problem... <br> <br> For his work as a role model, I present him this medal - for activity, devotion and mentorship - as a true role model.<br> <br> Braecen Kunar<br> Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Braecen Kaeth, 2006-12-17 23:00:00 UTC