Event Details

Event ID
Quaestrix Sofila "Sagitta" Douve Armis
Old Rank
Mystic (Equite 1)
New Rank
Savant (Equite 2)
Requested by
Aedile Tali Sroka
Primary reason

Weren’t we here just two months ago?

Time flies when you’re watching Sagitta have fun! Or something like that. Honestly, she has been kicking names and taking ass at such a stupendous speed that it’s hard to keep track!

As I say in most of Equite promotions, the leap from Journeyman to Equite is perhaps a more significant one than reaching full Knighthood. A Knight ends their training, while an Equite becomes a true and equal part of the membership, redeeming the promise of Knightship by demonstrating their use of the skills they were taught.

Climbing the ladder of Equiteship, then, is to prove yourself a worthy part of the membership proper and if there ever was a phrase to describe Sagitta, then it would be that. She is truly a worthy part of our club and it is our continued joy and privilege to have her brightening our day and making the rest of us look bad in activity metrics…

In these two short months since her previous elevation in rank and power, she’s kicked the asses of 46 comps, for which she earned a Bronze and Silver Novae. Further, 17 Crescents of which 3 Diamonds, 3 Rubies, 3 Amethysts, 5 Sapphires, 1 Emerald, 1 Topaz, and 1 Quartz. On the Cluster front, she’s burned a pyre of 1013 (!) Fire Clusters, assembled a veritable iceberg of 172 (!!!) Ice Clusters, a sandcastle of 52 Earth Clusters, and a small-to-medium sized RBMK reactor’s worth of 13 Graphite Clusters. And just as a nice little cherry on top, she’s passed one SA course. Probably to remind us she’s multi-talented across the entire DJB spectrum.

As I preambled, climbing Equite ranks ought to mean one’s growing presence within the Club, a beginning of their legacy and spreading of their name and fame. I am confident that few will be those who haven’t heard of Sagitta, at least after this recent GJW’s performance, and those living under space rocks will no doubt soon be visited by this boundless font of positivity, creativity, and infectious good spirits! And their days will be all the better for it!

I am beyond honored to recommend a well-deserved promotion to the rank of Equite 2.

Tali Sroka
Quaestor, House Qel-Droma

Aedile Tali Sroka, 2023-10-22 14:15:30 UTC
Additional reasons

Sagitta has become an absolute Power House in the club chats. C- running competitions, delving head first into every RP available, and stretching their reach across many characters to facilitate as many meaningful interactions as they can. While today we Celebrate her ascension to EQ2, I look forward to seeing how fast they can barrel through the remaining steps to becoming a foundation member of the clan, and my Battle team. There will soon be a Day where people will have difficulties imagining the club without her massive presence, and I look forward to enabling that day.

Doon Sulvir
Battleteam leader, Voidbreaker

Doon Sulvir, 2023-10-22 14:00:56 UTC